Indra stood there for a bit looking at the fight the two of them had. Thats's where it hit her. "We are not alone here! Behind us there is a temple and 2 innocent people that are going to get hurt from it! I must do something. " she said. Having said that she began making a platform for the people that were not in the fight, then she levitated it to her place and merged it with her own. Thats when a powerful aftershock from the hit that Conquestus did on Blaze hit them. Without thinking shielded herself and the other with a globe of air surrounding the platform. "now we are safe" she said. ..Now for the temple.. she spewed "This is not a place for a fight there are innocents and a huge temple that we know little about! If you want to fight go somewhere else" she said. Elements of winds,water and electricity Hear my call! she yelled. A big cloud surrounded them both Blaze and Conquestus After that a powerful gust of wind sent Blaze 30 meters away. As for Conquestus a typhoon appeared pushing him back from each other and in the middle A powerful thunder took place for aboout 3 seconds.