[u]SunClan[/u] [hider=Silverstar] [b]Name:[/b] Silverstar [B]Age:[/B] 44 Moons [b]Gender:[/b] She Cat [B]Clan:[/B] SunClan [b]Rank:[/b] Leader [b]Appearance:[/b] She is primarily a pale silvery white in color with thin light grey stripes across her back, neck, tail, lower forelegs, and three stripes each on either cheek and forehead. The backs of her sharply pointed ears and the end of her long tail are a solid, Slightly darker grey. She’s built lithe and tall, with her face narrow and angular. Her eyes are a piercing clear blue. [B]Personality:[/B] She is kind and patient most of the time, ready to give praise where it is deserved. She’s a deep thinker, taking time to make serious decisions, but once a decision is made, she doesn’t look back. When it is called for however, she is firm and commanding, unafraid to raise her voice as needed. She’s always willing to lend a paw, in mundane or serious situations, but is not quick to help the other clans. [b]Biography:[/b] When she was an apprentice, Silverstar had never had high ambitions for herself or her future, simply desiring to be a strong warrior and an asset to her clan. She had idle thoughts of one day perhaps becoming a mentor or mother, but could never picture herself in a leadership position. So it certainly surprised her win, after her father Longpelt retired to the life of an elder after being the deputy for many moons, the then leader of SunClan, Molestar, approached her with the request that she become the next deputy. She didn't think she was good enough for the position, actually bringing this up to her leader. She remembers vividly the look of amusement that had crossed his face and the words he spoke to her. "Your worthiness lies in the strength of your heart Silvertail. You simply can't see that because it is hidden within your chest. But I have seen your heart in your eyes." After spending a restless day pondering over his statement, Silverstar accepted the position gratefully, resolved to continue to serve her clan through the strength of her love and commitment for them. She hadn't expected that the experience of being deputy would be so brief lived. Not a moon and a half had gone by before trouble rose within the territory, a badger attempting to make itself at home near the moss rock clearing.. Molestar himself headed the patrol that would attempt to drive the intruder out, fighting fiercely when the badger went after one of the younger warriors. Intercepting the attack that had been meant for the other cat, Molestar managed to scratch out one of the badger's eyes, Even as his own body was being crushed in its jaws. As the badger retreated, the patrol was shocked to realize that their leader had given up his last life to protect one of his warriors. As leader of SunClan today, Silverstar keeps the memory of Molestar Close to her heart, using his example of selfless love to guide and direct the cats she has promised to protect. [b]Apprentice:[/b] None [B]Mate:[/B] Open [B]Kits:[/B] Frostpaw | Cinderpaw[/hider] [hider=Foxfur] [b]Name:[/b] Foxfur [B]Age:[/B] 44 Moons [b]Gender:[/b] Tom [B]Clan:[/B] SunClan [b]Rank:[/b] Warrior [b]Appearance:[/b] Lean and powerful, he makes a great effort to keep his body healthy and strong. His fur is of a medium length, longer on his tail and belly, and is primarily a dark dusky orange in color. His muzzle, front paws, and end of his tail are colored cream. His eyes are a bright blue in color, with the shape more angled on his face. [B]Personality:[/B] Overall, he is cheerful, quick to make a joke or tease a clanmate. He harbors a fondness for pranks, even now, and occasionally gets himself into trouble. He can be levelheaded and serious when needed, but it’s so rare that some have forgotten that it’s even possible for him. He’s very encouraging and uplifting, finding the silver lining in every situation. [b]Biography:[/b] He Wouldn't claim to have an extraordinary life, not when everything is said and done. He was a bit cocky And overconfident in his apprentice years, but was humbled after being out shown in battle skills By his sister and a misstep on his part that ended up with him needing to be rescued from a patch of deep mud. This overconfidence occasionally resurfaces with his expertise in hunting, but his sister is always there to keep it under control. One thing That is well known about Foxfur is That he is a prankster and teaser above all else. He can be serious And levelheaded when it matters, but he would rather be joking or causing a bit of mischief instead. On one Memorable occasion, while an apprentice, he had covered himself in patches of moss and mud with the intent of startling the other apprentices Into thinking he was some sort of strange creature from the Marsh. But Instead of encountering the other apprentices, he had barreled headfirst into one of the senior warriors, sending them both headfirst into a bush. The stunt landed him with elder duties for nearly half a moon. [b]Apprentice:[/b] Cinderpaw [B]Mate:[/B] Brindleheart [B]Kits:[/B] Rabbitkit | Cedarkit (1 open)[/hider] [hider=Brindleheart] [b]Name:[/b] Brindleheart [B]Age:[/B] 40 Moons [b]Gender:[/b] She Cat [B]Clan:[/B] SunClan [b]Rank:[/b] Queen [b]Appearance:[/b] As her name might suggest, she is a light colored tan with dark brown brindle markings throughout. She has a Rather delicate and light build to her body, giving her a somewhat weak appearance. Her muscles, however, are lean and strong, and what she lacks in strength and weight, she makes up for with sharp claws and swift movement. Her eyes are a warm golden brown in color and are rather expressive. [B]Personality:[/B] Gentle, kind, and soft-spoken, she’s not what comes to mind when you think of a warrior. Although she may be rather meek, this does not make her weak. She’s not afraid to stand up for what is right and is unashamed to speak her mind when she feels a situation is unfair or unkind. She is a Great listener and does her best to give thoughtful comments to those who need the opportunity to talk things over with someone. [b]Biography:[/b] For most of her life, she's thin rather soft-spoken and quiet. Dutiful, Some might say. She's always been diligent on which ever path she sets her paws on and was a hard-working, if a little timid, apprentice. One memorable occasion however, after one of Foxpaw's pranks Nearly drove one of the other apprentices Into a panic attack, she raised her voice into such a screech that she had even the confident tom backing down, Worried that she was going to claw His ears off. She Didn't, of course, she would never harm one of her clanmates, but Foxpaw was thoroughly cowed And he never tried to prank her or the other apprentice again after that day. Soon after this, Foxpaw began Their courtship, though she states firmly that she never gave into him until after they had both been made warriors. To This day, she is truly the only cat that can completely control Foxfur, Though she hasn't had to raise her voice again. [b]Apprentice:[/b] None [B]Mate:[/B] Foxfur [B]Kits:[/B] Rabbitkit | Cedarkit (1 open)[/hider] [hider=Bluestorm] [B]Name:[/B] Bluestorm [B]Age:[/B] 34 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] Tom [B]Clan:[/b] SunClan [b]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] He is Powerfully built, dense and compact. This makes him a little shorter on average, but not by much. His fur is very thick, of a medium length, with random strips having a crinkled texture. Primarily, his coat is a blue gray, though through his tail and onto his legs, the coloring becomes much darker. His eyes are a light grey. [B]Personality:[/B] He’s fairly even tempered, with moments of booming humor and times of thoughtful contemplation. He’s not easily ruffled, taking everything in its stride, and is known for keeping a level head in situations of conflict or turmoil. Diliberate in his thoughts and actions, once he puts his mind to something, he’s not easily swayed. Unfortunately, this does mean that he is rather stubborn. If he chooses a point of view that he feels is right, but might not be the best decision, it’s difficult to change his mind. This does mean however, that if he chooses to be on your side, he’s usually with you until the end. [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Apprentice:[/B] None [B]Mate:[/B] Mosspoppy [B]Kits:[/B] None[/hider] [hider=Eagleleap] [b]Name:[/b] Eagleleap [B]Age:[/B] 22 Moons [b]Gender:[/b] She Cat [B]Clan:[/B] SunClan, formerly MarshClan [b]Rank:[/b] Warrior [b]Appearance:[/b] She is rather long and wiry, with a narrow face, slanted eyes, and tall pointed ears. Her fur is primarily black in color and is rather short, but is very soft to the touch. Across her back, partially up her neck, and halfway down her tail the dark coloring is interrupted by a marbled silver pattern that is brightest in the center and fades out along the edges. Her nose and pads are both pale pink. Her eyes contrast against her dark pelt as a rather vivid hunter green in color. [B]Personality:[/B] She is reserved and polite most of the time, though this stems primarily from being in a new clan. She has an adventurous spirit, is insatiably curious, and is always needing to be doing something. She’s hard-working and diligent, working herself into near exhaustion by the end of the day before she allows herself to have even a mouthful of food. She’s quick to comfort and soothe, especially when it comes to apprentices or kits. She is rather slow to trust, but once the trust is earned, she’s a loyal and stalwart friend. Contrarily, if her trust is ever broken, it’s very difficult to earn it back. [B]Biography:[/b] Eagleleap was born and raised in MarshClan in a litter of three. Even from a young age, she knew she wanted to be a warrior, wanted to do everything she could to help her clan. As an apprentice, she met and gradually fell in love with Pinepaw, Who would later be given the name Pineclaw and become her mate. The big grey tabby quickly became her safe place in the world, her strength and support. It didn't take them long to decide to have their own kits. A week after her and Pineclaw's kits were born, an unexpected bout of greencough struck the clan. And even though they took precautions, Eagleleap was alarmed when her mate developed worrisome symptoms, the stubborn Tom putting it up to exhaustion and brushed it aside until even he couldn't deny that he was ill. Not wanting to further risk getting his little family sick, he took himself to the medicine cat's den. Unfortunately, it hadn't been soon enough. With sorrow heavy in her heart, the she cat watched as her newborn kits started to refuse milk, coughing wracking their tiny bodies. And although the medicine cats did all they could, her kits were too little... And if that wasn't enough that any one Kat could take, painful news came to her later that evening that Pineclaw had also lost the battle with his own illness. Family gone, Eagleleap sank into a numbing sorrow that withdrew her from everyone for a time, refusing to speak, to eat. When she finally started to come back to herself, going about daily routines, Eagleleap started to notice that the other cats were looking at her differently. She couldn't ignore the looks of sympathy, of pity, combined with hushed voices and whispers, and it slowly started to eat away at her. She didn't know how she would be expected to let her sorrow heal with the constant reminder that she had to live with each day. As a full moon gathering approached, she was desperate for an escape and did the only thing that she could think of to save herself. She approached one of the other clan leaders and pleaded to be allowed to join their clan. Shock and outrage were the initial reactions from the leaders, nothing of the sort had ever been done among the clans, except for Silverstar, whom Eagleleap had made the request of. The clan leader was surprised, but not angry. After coaxing The entirety of the story out of the she cat, the SunClan leader held counsel with the other leaders. After the passing of a quarter moon, they reached the unusual decision to grant Eagleleap's request and she left her past behind her without a backward glance, embracing the change of entering into SunClan, hoping her new family would learn to accept her one day. [b]Apprentice:[/B] None [B]Mate:[/b] None [b]Kits:[/b] None[/hider] [hider=Frostpaw] [B]Name:[/B] Frostpaw [B]Age:[/B] 6 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] She Cat [B]Clan:[/B] SunClan [B]Rank:[/B] Apprentice [B]Appearance:[/B] her base color is a bright white, with her nose and pads so palely pink that they nearly blend in with her fur. Across the top of her head, neck, back, and tail however, there are patches of tabby striped orange. While none of these patches touch her belly, chest, or legs, she does have one spot that covers her right eye and a fair portion of that side of her face. Her eyes are a light creamy yellow. [B]Personality:[/B] For such a young cat, she is surprisingly serious and sober, levelheaded and calm. She has her moments of humor and lightheartedness, but they are usually quiet affairs. She is extremely self-conscious of her faults and weaknesses, working hard to try to be the best she can be. However, if something does go wrong, she often starts beating herself up about it, amplifying the problem until it snowballs into a mess. She doesn’t often speak about her feelings openly, only confiding in those she truly trusts and is close to. [B]Biography:[/B] Though she hasn’t had a long enough of a life for mini achievements to her name, she’s known well around the camp as one of the quietest and most pleasant kits they have ever experienced. While she would play as any other kit would, she was always so much quieter about it, careful to keep out of others way. More often than not however, she could be found listening to stories from the elders or warriors, politely asking questions, and content to sit with them for many hours. Most thought she would make a good medicine cat one day, but she had no head, or interest, for herbs or treatments. She harbors a desire to one day be as great a warrior as her mother. [B]Mentor:[/B] Owleye[/hider] [hider=Shadestep][b]Name:[/b] Shadestep [b]Age:[/b] 25 Moons [b]Gender:[/b] Tom [b]Clan:[/b] SunClan [b]Rank:[/b] Warrior [b]Appearance:[/b] He is a very large cat, with a thick build, broad head, and ample amounts of fur to cover it all. His base color is a deep chocolate brown that is then mottled and blended with black on the top of his head, his cheeks, neck, back, flanks, and tail. Along the backs of each of his legs, the fur is solidly black, looking almost as if each of his legs have been pulled through very dark mud. With black whiskers, nose, and pads, the only light colored part of his appearance are his eyes, which are a bright amber. [b]Short Description:[/b] He's enjoyed a relatively average life overall, living faithful to his clan, protecting their territory, and trying not to let himself come off as overly grumpy. He occasionally succeeds on the latter. The one truly extraordinary event that he feels is noteworthy in his life is the fact that the former clan leader, Molestar, saved him from going to StarClan. He had barely been a Warrior for a season when a badger attempted to move into SunClan Territory, but was still asked to be part of the patrol that would attempt to drive the intruder off. As the cats fought and evaded, he was shocked when the badger quite abruptly whirled on him, knocking him prone with a blunt paw and diving in for the attack. He was even more surprised when Molestar was suddenly there, the brown tabby taking the blow instead, even managing to severely injure the badger before he died. Ever since that day, Shadestep tries to live his life to the fullest, viewing it as a gift from his former leader, and does his best to protect his clanmates, even if that means that one day he might need to give up his life in order to save one of them.[/hider] [hider=Longpelt] [b]Name:[/b] Longpelt [b]Age:[/b] 92 Moons [b]Gender:[/b] Tom [b]Clan:[/b] SunClan [b]Rank:[/b] Elder [b]Appearance:[/b] Once a large and muscular cat, retirement to the life of an elder has seen to adding some weight to his frame, though he tries to keep it under control. Mostly. His fur is primarily a light orange in color, striped across his back, legs, tail, and face with darker orange. The fur is long, thickest on his belly and tail, and is a bit of a nuisance. White has started to make an appearance on his muzzle, much to his chagrin, and has also started to effect the fur inside his ears. His eyes, though dimming with age, are a vivid yellow-green. [b]Short Description:[/b] Though you wouldn't tell just by looking at him, he came to the clan as a young kittypet That had been abandoned by his twoleggers. He quickly warmed up to the idea of becoming a warrior cat after the soft life of being a Kittypet and happily became an apprentice when given the opportunity. He excelled In his lessons and easily made friends with the other apprentices and warriors. Putting his past life behind him, he proudly became a warrior and diligently protected his clan with a fierce fighting style and an easy laugh to cheer others up. He was surprised, But rather pleased, when the former leader asked him to become the deputy. He served many seasons in that position, happy to be so fully accepted into the warrior life. When he finally admitted The fact that he was growing far too stiff to properly maintain his duties as a deputy and warrior, he was proud to pass the mantle on to his daughter.[/hider] [u]CaveClan[/u] [hider=Dapplefern] [B]Name:[/B] Dapplefern [b]Age:[/b] 29 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] She Cat [b]Clan:[/b] CaveClan [B]Rank:[/B] Medicine Cat [B]Appearance:[/B] Dapplefern is a lithe she cat that is slightly small for her kind. Her fur Is a mixture of different sized spots of white and gray that overlap and blend together in no particular pattern. Most noticeably though are the spot of gray and one of white That are on her ears, making each one its own color. Likewise, her chin, throat, chest, and belly are all a solid white. Her eyes are a pale blue that sometimes appear to be staring into Starclan, while at other times they seem to be looking right through the cat that she is inspecting. [b]Personality:[/b] Chipper and cheerful are how she conducts herself the majority of the time. She’s always quick to give compliments, stop to say hello, or share tongues. She tends to get a little uncomfortable when anything serious needs to be discussed, but once started, she is firm with her statements. She cares deeply for everyone and would even go out of her way to help a loaner if they let her. [B]Biography:[/B] At a young age, she showed great interest in the duties of a medicine cat, playing games with her sisters as if she were giving them herbs or binding injuries. This caught the attention of the former medicine cat who eventually approached her to ask if she would want to be his apprentice. She excitedly accepted the responsibility and started training as soon as she turned six moons. She was fascinated with the different herbs and flowers that could help a sick cat and easily fell into the role of apprentice. She learned quickly, her mind absorbing knowledge like moss with water and was soon trusted to take care of several cats by herself. A quarter moon after she had been made a full fledged medicine cat, she and her mentor Cottontail were caught beneath a tree that had fallen over from rot In its trunk. Dapplefern survived With only minor bruising because her mentor had enough clarity to push her out of the way. He, however, was crushed beneath the heavy tree. Despite this tragedy, she still accepted the position of medicine cat and keeps the memory of Cottontail alive by the passion and attention with which she treats her patients.  [B]Apprentice:[/B] Open [b]Mate:[/b] None [b]Kits:[/b] None[/hider] [hider=Whitewind] [B]Name:[/B] Whitewind [b]Age:[/b] 29 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] She Cat [b]Clan:[/b] CaveClan [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] As her name might suggest, she has pure white fur that covers her willowy, graceful frame in long strands. Extra fur also spills from her ears. Like her sister Dapplefern, Her eyes are a light blue in color. [b]Personality:[/b] She is rather cool and distant, quick to Judge, and often is one of the first to speak out if she doesn’t like some thing. She’s a bit overconfident in her self, tending to show off on occasion. She hates being made the fool. Despite her more negative aspects, she is very generous, often going on extra hunting patrols to make sure that everyone has eaten before her. When she does give a complement, which isn’t often, you know she really means it. [B]Biography:[/B] Unlike her sister Dapplefern, Whitewind knew almost as soon as she could open up her eyes that she wanted to be a warrior. And not just any warrior, the [i]best[/i] warrior. She was always getting into mock fights with her sister Featherkit, often getting scolded for being too rough with her littermate. She didn’t easily let this deter her from practicing. At one point, she had even gotten an apprentice to help her train, though this was quickly stopped after being discovered by the apprentice‘s mentor. As an apprentice, Whitepaw was fierce and stubborn, quick to learn battle moves, but slow to hear criticism on her less than stellar hunting skills. Her mentor more than once had to put her in her place for thinking she was the best fighter. It wasn’t until Stonefall, a recently retired elder trounced her in a practice session after a request from her mentor that she finally started to gain humility. To this day, though it took her a long time to get over her anger, she holds a deep respect for Stonefall, Often going out of her way to speak with the elder or do him favors. [B]Apprentice:[/B] Open [b]Mate:[/b] Open [b]Kits:[/b] None[/hider] [hider=Featherflight][B]Name:[/B] Featherflight [b]Age:[/b] 29 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] She Cat [b]Clan:[/b] CaveClan [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] She has a slightly stockier build to her body, something she inherited from her father. Most of her tail is missing, a short stump all that remains. Her fur is thick, Though not very long, and is an ashy gray in color primarily. Speckled across her Lower back, flanks, and tail stump are patches of black. Her eyes, Unlike her sisters, are dark green. [b]Personality:[/b] [B]Brief Background:[/B] WIP [B]Apprentice:[/B] None [b]Mate:[/b] Duskfire [b]Kits:[/b] Cricketpaw | Sparrowpaw | Quailpaw[/hider] [hider=Beetlefoot] [B]Name:[/B] Beetlefoot [B]Age:[/B] 44 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] Tom [B]Clan:[/B] CaveClan [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Apprentice:[/B] None [B]Mate:[/B] None [B]Kits:[/B] None[/hider] [hider=Cricketpaw][B]Name:[/B] Cricketpaw [b]Age:[/b] 8 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] Tom [b]Clan:[/b] CaveClan [B]Rank:[/B] Apprentice [B]Appearance:[/B] He is of an average build and size, though his legs are rather long. For the most part, his fur is light tan, but his belly and toes are pale cream. His eyes are a light and inquisitive blue.  [b]Personality:[/b] [B]Biography:[/B] WIP [B]Mentor:[/B] Open[/hider] [u]MarshClan[/u] [hider=Crowmask] [B]Name:[/B] Crowmask [B]Age:[/B] 22 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] Tom [B]Clan:[/B] MarshClan [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] Most of his fur is a pale silver white in Color, his legs and tail becoming completely white. In Stark contrast against the light fur, his face is completely black. And again in contrast to this dark color, his eyes are bright yellow. His build is on the larger end Of the spectrum, with powerful shoulders and hind legs. Overall, he is built more lean though, with sharp features to his face. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Apprentice:[/B] Open [B]Mate:[/B] None [B]Kits:[/B] None[/hider] [hider=Graywing] [B]Name:[/B] Graywing [B]Age:[/B] 22 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] Tom [B]Clan:[/B] MarshClan [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] As his name might suggest, the majority of his coloring is a medium gray That is then striped with dark gray and black tabby markings. His eyes are a bright blue. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Apprentice:[/B] Open [B]Mate:[/B] None [B]Kits:[/B] None[/hider] [hider=Flamewhisker] [B]Name:[/B] Flamewhisker [B]Age:[/B] 27 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] Tom [B]Clan:[/B] MarshClan [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] He is rather thin and tall, his frame narrow overall. The base color of his fur is an inky black, but is spotted all over with patches of bright orange, The largest of which in cases the entirety of his front right paw and half of that foreleg. The only bit of fur that seems to have escaped the orange markings is his face. To make up for this seemingly, his eyes are a Sharp orangey yellow. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Apprentice:[/B] None [B]Mate:[/B] Snowspots [B]Kits:[/B] None[/hider] [hider=Nightsong] [B]Name:[/B] Nightsong [B]Age:[/B] 27 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] She Cat [B]Clan:[/B] MarshClan [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] She is long legged and thin, with a rather long tail and large ears. Her fur is long and slightly wavy. It is almost entirely black save for a small patch of white on her chest. Her eyes are a keen amber in color. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Apprentice:[/B] Open [B]Mate:[/B] None [B]Kits:[/B] Cloverpaw | Hollypaw[/hider] [hider=Cloverpaw] [B]Name:[/B] Cloverpaw [B]Age:[/B] 8 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] She Cat [B]Clan:[/B] MarshClan [B]Rank:[/B] Apprentice [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Mentor:[/b] Open[/hider] [hider=Nettlepaw] [B]Name:[/B] Nettlepaw [B]Age:[/B] 6 Moons [B]Gender:[/B] Tom [B]Clan:[/b] MarshClan [b]Rank:[/B] Medicine Cat Apprentice [B]Appearance:[/B] He is thin and long, giving him a slightly odd appearance of being stretched at one point in his life. Though his fur is mostly black, his lower jaw, chest, and a line down his throat that connect the two are white. Along with this, his front paws are also white. His most noticeable feature are his eyes, which are heterochromatic, the left being blue while the right is green. [B]Personality:[/B] [B]Biography:[/B] [B]Mentor:[/B] Longtrek[/hider]