Adrianne watched the presentation, and could not deny a sense of trepidation that she felt growing within her chest at the sound of it. And it was not just from the malicious presence creeping around at the corners of her mind. Sure, she always preferred pleasure planets. Even if it contained a problematic amount of snobs and pomps, it was at least safer and cleaner than other imperial planets. On average at least. The one exception would be when said planet was under the influence of chaos cults, when anything and everything on the planet could be turned against them. [color=00aeef]"Now, are there any questions that any of you would like to ask before we move out?"[/color] [color=a187be]"Actually, there is... " [/color]Adrianne said, the psyker having found a comfortable seat in one of the leather bound chairs. Her lavender eyes shifted to the screen that Andromedai had been pointing at. [color=a187be]"You mentioned that it is unlikely that we will be unable to maintain stealth. Do we have some sort of quick strike or reaction force that we could summon should we encounter heavy resistance?"[/color] Adrianne inquired, before raising a gloved finger and looking towards the rest of the retinue around them; the motion causing her snow white ponytail to shift behind her. [color=a187be]"By the way things sound, we could be walking into a hornet nest. Especially if we draw the chaotic forces out in the open. And I do not fully trust the local forces. If we get in over our heads or risk being overrun, I would like to have options other than the PDF to pull us out."[/color]