[b]Zonanese Diplomacy[/b] The Ambassador retained her stare for some time. The soldiers began to raise their rifles to several of the Commune Haches' heads, before Hoya burst into a childish laughter. She stepped from the circle towards Admiral Dunom. "My sincerest apologies, Admiral. We understood that the Domu are fervent enemies to the Republic of Sazkarjhia, so under certain security stipulations, I was ordered to remain wary and to intimidate. Sometimes we forget that most Hach races in your trinity live rather far away from each other." "What of it? They all burn the same..." muttered one of the soldiers, who was glared at by one in silver-striped armor, the silver striping indicating the rank of a Captain. Hoya turned to the soldier. "That's enough, this one is not aggressive. And if you [i]dare[/i] show any kind of hostility I will speak with your superior officer and ensure that you are removed from this station, am I clear?" "Aye..." The diplomat turned back to Dunom. "Now that that's out of the way, why don't we recess to an assembly room to discuss further matters, yes?"