[center]SHOU && DAISUKE " Oh my God, what is going on here??" Shou gasped as he looked around the room. The window was broken and glass covered the floor. He would have assumed that there had been an attempted robbery if it hadn't been for the wounded duck in Daisuke's arms. " He just flew in through the window!" Daisuke explained urgently, trying to clam the fussy duck with some comforting pats on the head. " There is some glass stuck in his wing, do you think you can help him?? Or should we take him to the vet?? Ummmm..." It was a shame that there hadn't been a member of the Zodiac that was a duck or else they would know how to deal with this situation better. But Daisuke had faith that Shou would know what to do. Shou was over the shock already and quickly switched into his doctor mode, flipping his hair out of the way to open his first aid bag. " I'm insulted that you don't think I can do this!" He joked, flashing a smile to Daisuke to let him know that it was a joke. He searched around in the bag until he pulled out a small pair of tweezers. " Akiza, help Daisuke hold the duck down while I pull out the glass. I don't want that thing biting me!" Breathing a sigh of relief, Daisuke broke off some more pieces of bread for the duck to eat and smiled happily, " Do you hear that?" He asked, forgetting that non-cursed animals couldn't speak or understand him, " We'll get you fixed up in no time! Just be a good little duck and sit still for us, okay?"[/center]