[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rOUT53r.png?1[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GQd0ERx.png?1[/img] [h2][color=skyblue]Torys[/color] [color=007236][b]Felix[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Not long after Torys gave her blessing for Reynard and his group to head out to assist the historian, she watched Felix storm in. Typically the boy was heated over something or other after a match with a guildmate, but this time he seemed more bothered by it than usual. No doubt their bubbly little water mage had put the smart mouthed teen in his place. It was little surprise that he headed straight upstairs. She shrugged lightly to herself and poured herself a drink before settling on the stool she positioned behind the counter. It wasn't more than a few minutes later that Felix came back down the stairs with a pack slung over his shoulder. He ignored everyone as he approached Torys with a scowl still firmly in place. "[color=007236]I'm out of here.[/color]" "[color=skyblue]Oh?[/color]" Torys tilted her head slightly, observing the lad for a moment. "[color=skyblue]Lost to Ria, huh?[/color]" She had a playful hint of teasing to her voice, and followed up with a sip of her drink. Felix's scowl deepened. "[color=007236]I need to train better and I can't do that trapped here with your stupid rules and lack of proper equipment. So I'm out of here.[/color]" Torys nodded, placing the glass down on the counter. "[color=skyblue]Well, if that's what you want then I suppose you know what you're doing.[/color]" Felix scoffed. "[color=007236]Of course I do. I just wanted to make it official. Because I quit.[/color]" Torys nodded. "[color=skyblue]Okay. Welp, it's your call. So then, it's official.[/color]" Felix hesitated for a moment himself before nodding. Then, without another word, he turned and left the guild. Kaden approached the door as the kid exited, arching a brow and watching the younger mage brush past him without a word. After a moment, he shrugged and continued on his way into the guildhall. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2a2Qvr0.png?1[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200611/e27c881e7bd0977fcd1c2798ebaa7a72.png[/img] [@Zarkun][/center] [hr] Ria listened carefully, taking note in what he said of the wolves and then himself. It was interesting that a former soldier would settle to join their guild. It certainly raised questions for her, like wouldn't he perhaps be happier in a more well known guild. While she certainly enjoyed the fact the guild was bustling and had plenty of new faces in it, she wasn't about to fool herself into thinking that would last. It was the main reason she didn't look too hard at the job board. That was more important for others to do, to build up income and hope they didn't leave if the jobs stopped coming in as fast as they were. "[color=aqua]Well, I am always happy to help others with training. I'm not as skilled with a sword as my sister, but I still am quite handy with them and shields, and other techniques that could prove helpful for you to train against with your martial abilities. Gwen might be up for training as well. She does enjoy improving against others, especially with her blades.[/color]" When Damian stopped walking, Ria did as well, turning to face him too. Of course his explanation perked her curiosity further. She reached out and gently touched his arm, fully sure she would know exactly how a standard body temperature was, then withdrew her hand just as quickly. She watched quietly as the circles formed, listening as he explained things. Power locks weren't common, certainly not by any stretch of her reading, so to see one in action was a fair deal exciting. The fact he had several locks in place to help him control his magic thus far...was intense to see. She was still in aw for a moment after he released the final lock and approached her. "[color=aqua]That's the first time I've seen a power lock actually utilized. That was quite impressive even for the draw back.[/color]" Reaching out, she gingerly touched his arm again before taking her hand away. Her gaze returned to his face. "[color=aqua]Felix goes through something similar when he fights. A cultural thing for him that works to strengthen his powers. Perhaps that would be a good thing to work on as well. Control would help you withstand the burnout.[/color]" She thought for a moment before offering him a soft smile. "[color=aqua]You look like you could use a bit of a pick-me-up after that. Here,[/color]" she said while cupping her hands together. "[color=aqua]Rejuvenating Waters.[/color]" A small sphere of softly glowing bright blue water formed in her hands and she offered it up to him. "[color=aqua]Chilled so it should help you feel cooler already, but it'll help alleviate the fatigue of burnout like that.[/color]"