[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OAr87q4.png[/img][/center] [@Double] [hr] Her eyes snapped open couple with a sharp, gasping inhale of breath. She felt... something soft beneath her. Softer than the rocky, barren ground she'd grown accustomed to over the years. Despite this, the air still felt dry, with a faint, smoky taste to it. She extended her key around her, a hazy map of her surroundings forming in her mind, but even then it was all entirely foreign. If anything, she felt even more lost than before. In her bewilderment, she pulled off her blindfold, squinting as the light assaulted her uncovered eyes. She was at the base of a cliff, with a dirt path too far from her. There was also a small, shallow pond only a few feet to her left. Beneath her was grass, but it was no peaceful grotto. There were craters blasted into the ground, and she sat on one of the few surviving patches of grass, where much of the rest had been scorched or otherwise obliterated. She pushed herself up and strode over to the water to find it murky and barely able to show her reflection. It seemed like everything here had been destroyed. A sudden, sickening wave of dread and anxiety rolled over her and she nearly lost her footing. Where was she? If she was here, then... what had happened to her? It came back to her in flashes. Was this it then? Were they all gone? Everything and everyone she'd clung to in an attempt to rebuild her life, just gone and stripped away once more. She'd rather have just died with them. Clenched so tightly in her hand, her blindfold would have turned to dust had it been made of a less yielding material. She staggered back to the cliffside, and sank down to a sitting position, pulling her knees up against her chest. Her face grew wet with tears as she fought to hold back the deluge of memories that kept forcing their way back into her head. All she could think of were those last, frightful moments as a burning light had slowly forced its way down toward them all. He'd fought alone, with her too weak to do a thing to help. Always too weak. In the end, she'd just been tossed aside. The minutes passed with her just curled up pitifully in that spot, but finally she took a deep breath. Deeply ingrained training began to slowly take over as her breathing steadied. The memories didn't fade, but she regained control of the feelings raging in her; enough so at least to remain functional. Just in time, it seemed, as she noticed something approaching her. She tilted her head skyward to see a being distinctly alien to her. There were hints of familiarity that struck her, but only in the vaguest sense, as if she'd once come across someone similar. That long tail in particular. She took a deep breath and wrapped her blind fold around her head once more. She was too fragile right now, she didn't trust herself if she left her eyes uncovered. "You there!" She called out, placing a hand against the cliffside to steady herself as she rose once more. "I don't suppose you're more familiar with this place then I am?" Either they were just as lost as she was... or they were responsible for all the destruction. Either way she'd either have someone to relate to or she'd get some answers. Well she supposed they could also just kill her.