[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/016f18e0-0d91-4dcd-a79f-8c9f1b1739fb.jpg[/img] [h2][color=6ecff6]Fox[/color][/h2][/center] [color=6ecff6]"Shit."[/color] Fox's casual profanity went effectively unnoticed against the metallic screeching of the unknown hostiles. As the smaller exoframe seemed to not have drawn any attention yet, Fox took the opportunity to fully engage all of his stealth systems, the small suit momentarily dropping off allied sensors as it reconnected to their shared battlenet via tightbeam laser. With the Outrider's systems automatically highlighting the unknowns as assumed hostiles, Fox simply confirmed the assessment and let the computer handle the rest. As the Her-Comm Suite's EW system kicked into high-gear searching for a counter to the unwelcome noise, the young man took moment to more carefully analyze their alien attackers. Frowning at the lack of any clear joints or other separations in their armor, Fox let out a small sigh of relief as EW system's AI produced a countermeasure; the incessant mechanical chattering finally coming to a halt. <<[color=6ecff6]Aurora, Gypsy; See if you can't get your dance partners to lift their arms. I'd like a clean shot at the underside of them. Outrider over.[/color]>> The young man said, disseminating the emergency countermeasure to the rest of the squad through their shared battlenet.