[Hider=Exodian][b]Nation Name/Flag:[/b] The Exodian Confederation of Planets On a black field, four interlocked yellow rings -- a red phrygian cap on the left, and a purple Daisan mask on the right. [b]Government Type: [/b] There are fifteen inhabited planets and moons in the Confederation space, with additional asteroid settlements that fall under planetary or lunar jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction provides three representatives for the Confederation Council, which convenes on matters that effect the entirety of the Confederation Systems. How the representatives are chosen is unique to each jurisdiction, but the most common among humans and Daisan majority jurisdictions is the Daisan tradition of Meritocracy and selecting from meritable members of long standing juntas, though some jurisdictions, though few, have adopted some forms of elective democracy and lot systems (sometimes in junction with the old junta system). Jurisdictions tend to have autonomy on issues that don’t involve the entire Confederation, so long as the decisions and laws being made aren’t abrasive to another member of the Confederation -- with such rivalry’s or slights being handled by the Council. The Council itself also votes a member from their ranks to be the final say in all ties. The most common style of local or Jurisdiction government is that of the Hoke Meritocracy Junta -- wherein competitive exams, committees, and long standing juntas decide the merit and rank of individual nominees for civil service and administration positions. It derived from the military junta formed from the stranded soldiers thousands of years ago and has continued and evolved to try and represent a fair system that curbs corruption, favoritism (be it from popularity or sheer Clade power) while matching the most suited applicants to the job. Under this administration, it is the duty of the civil workers to ensure that the Daisan live an independent and free willed life to the best of their ability and contentment while protecting them from outside and inside threats to this liberty. The dense merit based bureaucracy is a web of checks and balances all leading up to the Superior Junta, the highest ranking officials (usually military) of the most authoritative departments (such as Defense or Health). It is at this level that the largest decisions are made for the good of the Daisan. This Junta also historically serves as the ritual registration committee for all new founded Clades that have made the pilgrimage back to Hoke to be recognized by the Daisan. [b]Demographics: [/b] [hider=Human: about 1/3][/hider] [hider=Daisan: about 2/3] The Daisan are an alien race that is as foreign to Eden as humans. They are a unique species that arrived thousands of years before the Human arks, but by complete accident. Story has it that they arrived on a massive warship that had gotten splintered from a mighty armada during a jump and crashed into the planet “Hoke” in the “Exodus” system. Lucky for the Daisan, the ship was also equipped for terraforming and they managed to successfully salvage the ancient icon enough to change the atmosphere and crust of Hoke into one that was perfect for their unique physique -- unfortunately however, such technology is now lost to the Daisan, though their engineers are constantly studying the old structures from the warship. The Daisan are a unique species. At first glance they seem rather simple: two legs, two arms, a torso and a head -- but looking further into it, you’ll notice each arm can split in half, giving them a total of four arms and hands, and their face is a shield or kite shaped bony exoskeleton without any noticeable facial features save four slits with optical nerves. Dense frills or hairs under and around the shield serve as a filter system for their strange food (a dense bacteria that travels their home planet in choking clouds), and tactile tendrils grow from their backs. At a glance, these strange beasts also looked emaciated, but are in fact quite strong. On top of all this, they are natural engineers and quick learners. Rumor has it that they were a designer species for an ancient imperial race from a distant corner of the galaxy - but either way, all these boons work in their favor, and the humans favor too as they were quick to learn the human language, using vibrations in their necks to mimic human speech. Their downside is that they don’t do well outside their preferred habitats, and so are often seen in habitation suits on cold, wet, or airy planets. They prefer smoggy, hot, or dry planets - especially ones that have their bacterium(Adipemnubi) on it. Some interesting notes: They have no sense of smell or taste The Stereotypical Daisan tends to be stubborn, a stickler for tradition, slightly anti-social, big on justice and honor as well as freedoms. They also tend to be inventive and natural tinkerers. They seperate themselves into “Clades”, or groups that can range from a handful to even a million individuals united under a common banner of ideals and history. Normally an entire family falls under a clade, and new offspring tend to adopt into it at birth. Outsiders can be adopted in by members of a Clade through merit (even outside species, though rare). There is no sexual dimorphism between male and female Daisan, and they hold little regard to gender outside reproductive purposes. Interestingly enough, Daisan culture favors monogamy and fierce loyalty to offspring and spouses. [/hider] [hider=Other][/hider] [hider=Notable Jurisdictions] [hider=Shyll, Hoke, and Exodus] The Exodus system, known to the Daisan as the Shyll system, is home to the planet of Hoke -- the Daisan homeworld. Hoke is the closest you could get to a core world this far deep in the frontier systems -- it is highly populated and urbanized, but otherwise looks like a typical Daisan foundry and factory planet, except with the added bonus of ancient warship pieces everywhere. Through the smog, clouds of bacteria, and toxic fumes emitted by the constant lava flow, you can spot glittered black spires and tetrahedrons jutting from the derelict landscape that the Daisan call paradise. Inside these structures, the Daisan engineers and scholars study the databanks of the past and chronicle their heritage. Inside the surviving bridge of the warship, the Superior Junta holds office, as it always has. Surrounding this major landmark of the warship is the capital city, a sprawling metropolis that digs deep into the crust of Hoke, where factories manufacture dreaded Daisan weapons of war. Shyll III is another planet that had been colonized in the Shyll system and is very similar to Hoke, being long colonized by the Daisan before the rediscovery of FTL and contact with humans. It is run by the same government as Hoke, and together the two planets share the burden (alongside Shyll VI) of being the Daisan’s pride and joy in the Eden cluster as well as the most advanced and populated jurisdictions in the Exodian Confederation. Shyll VI is the final planet run by the Hoke government and the third planet colonized by the Daisan, and the last planet colonized before the introduction of interstellar travel by the humans. Shyll VI is different from Hoke and Shyll III in that while the other two are a healthy balance of urbanization, civilian life, and industry -- Shyll VI is a roaring magma planet colonized for the sheer purpose of engineering and industry. It’s surface is cracked with massive spire factories pumping out entire armies of droids and ships, and it’s crust is ever noisy with the sound of refineries and foundries working the nonstop ore that is shipped in from the nearby asteroid belt and moons. Major military stations litter this planet, much like Hoke, but unlike Hoke -- only soldiers and scientists of nearby research facilities ever see it. There is a restriction on visitation by anyone not of the Hoke military or (sufficiently merited) government without express authorization of the Hoke administration. [/hider] [hider=Tempest V] Tempest V is a name every pirate and renegade knows. It is a lunar colony on the fifth moon of an explosively stormy planet that was deemed too dangerous for proper colonization (For now). Tempest V was actually first founded as a science headquarters for the teams responsible for terraforming Tempest, but ever since the Eden Wars and major defunds, and then the eventual hand over to the Exodian Confederation, this task was never completed and Tempest V quickly became an out of jurisdiction haven for ne’erdowells. It’s now a very cramped and grey scene, colored only by shady night clubs and bars. This nest of dishonesty is only redeemed in official eyes by the many industrial factories pumping out weapons and goods -- as well as a suspiciously high tax income. Being in the furthest Exodian system from Shyll, it is one of the rare, more human dominated jurisdictions and is governed by a republic often criticised as being corrupt. For some reason or another, the Exodian Confederation has more or less turned a blind eye to the situations of Tempest V, with some speculating that the Daisan majority of the Confederation Council was indifferent to the human based corruption, or simply cannot allocate the proper resources to clean the area... if it wanted to(?). [/hider] [hider=Serendipity] Serendipity is a planet in the Peace system, the closest system to Shyll in the confederacy. Serendipity is a massive planet that was overlooked by the Daisan as undesirable, but was eventually settled by the humans of the Exodian Confederation for the simple fact that while ugly to a Daisan, it is a veritable paradise for any ex-Earthling. This planet quickly became the sole output of non-bacteria agriculture in the Confederacy. It is characteristic in that it is a completely rural planet of rolling green meadows and light forests. The local fauna are relatively harmless and lazy, with domestication being quick and easy. In no time this amiable paradise became a visage similar to that of legends told of Earth’s ancient farming communities. [/hider] [/hider] [b]Economy:[/b] The Exodian Confederacy is a major export of raw metals, alloys, and even finished products such as weapons, robotics, droids, drones, and small craft such as fighters and bombers (With the occasional luxury ship). However, the systems contain only one true agricultural world, and so the human populations import food luxuries so they can survive off something other than hydroponics, local supply, and whatever the Daisan try to feed them. The majority of agricultural imports comes from the Republic of Striostan. Some worlds are also economic havens for crime and less than reputable deals and dealings. [b]Military:[/b] [hider=Daisan Favored Technology] [hider=Plasma] Directly pulled from the Ancient Warship’s databanks and through reverse engineering the old guns, the Daisan had re-learned the secrets of creating super-heated plasma projectiles. Because of its versatility and penchant for indiscriminate destruction, this technology was rendered in countless formats -- be it handheld rifles, pistols, and launchers -- to ship mounted cannons and blasters. Specific Clades have gone even further to create Clade specific versions of this weapon technology, often changing the color to sort of trademark the unique properties, leading to a veritable rainbow of plasma weapons. A few examples of unique applications are below: [hider=Ulaan Clade UEPs] The UEP, or Unstable Explosive Plasma, was first concocted by the famous Hokian Clade known as the Ulaan. This technology refers to the launching of a special brew of white plasma that is extremely dense and unstable as it launches, leading to an explosive impact with a large splash radius equivalent to that of a more conventional bomb. This invention led to different applications, such as handheld plasma launchers that act akin to grenade launchers and small rocket fire, all the way to the use in space and aerial bombers. [/hider] [hider=Tsenkur Clade Blue Death] This technology was closely guarded by the Tsenkur for centuries, before finally spilling into mainstream weaponry and defense systems. It is a paramount of Daisan engineering and as deadly as it is innovative. The blue death refers to a very specific blue plasma that is stabilized into a fixed shape, while maintaining the destructive power and heat of the plasma. Typical use for the blue death is as material for energy swords, destructive shields, the dreaded Myrmidon whip, boarding vessel heads, tedious mining, and pretty much any other need for static plasma. Ever since its revelation among the Daisan weapons scene, other clades have made their own special alterations to the recipe, creating all sorts of fun new applications. [/hider] [hider=Nogoon Clade Scattershots]A long time ago the Nogoon clade wondered why they were restricted to firing or even rapid firing a single bolt of plasma, when they could shoot clouds of flak or shrapnel of plasma -- and so the plasma equivalent to shotguns all the way to flak cannons were born. In an effort to trademark the rapidly accepted invention, the Nogoon clade marked the plasma green, to which it is still marked green to this day out of respect. Boarding parties and Knights alike adore the destructive close range power of the technology, be it in a two handed shotgun like weapon, or a one handed pistol like weapon. Alternatively, the technology found its way into being combined with the UEP technology in plasma fragmentation grenades.[/hider] [/hider] [hider=Droids and Drones] Not only is this another technology taken from the old Daisan warship, but the warship itself came equipped with old models as well as axillary assembly areas that survived the crash - making this a technology the Daisan not only never lost, but were able to continuously improve. The use of Droids and Drones is speculated to have come into use by the ancient Daisan fleets not only for numerical advantage, the ability to save organic forces for choice encounters, and adaptability but also to prevent the need of sending Daisan soldiers to less than agreeable habitats. From the databanks and records, the Daisan scholars know that droid technology used to be reliant on control centers, but after the vulnerabilities of that became apparent, the droids of the Daisan militaries underwent several adaptations to circumvent the need for control centers. One of the most prevalent solutions was internal programming -- where depending on the function if the droid-- a battledroid is internally programmed with its loyalties and abilities to react to external variables with preset prejudices... Such as shooting an enemy, surmounting obstacles, and following orders. This makes the battledroid very much like a typical soldier, their behavior on the battlefield dependent on orders received by either tactical droids or an organic commander. This is often the solution given to mass produced models or models made specifically for en masse front line fighting where specialization is not required. Battledroids with more specific roles, such as snipers, assassins, saboteurs, and engineers, are given slightly more expensive but also more complex programming. In short, the budget is the limit when it comes to internally programmed droids. One of the least prevalent solutions, yet feared, was originally a Clade secret of the Siyohrang clade; it equips a local organic commander with a specialized helmet that not only acts as a control center for a very expensive squad of deadly commando droids, but is powered by psionics present in the commander (usually a psionic knight), making the small squad a deadly special forces unit where a heavily trained knight is able to instantly relay advanced commands to a tight knit commando unit. The unfortunate downside to this is the rarity of psionic ability needed, and the expenses. According to the old Ulaan Clade, such flashy solutions aren't pragmatic, and a simple organic squad of heavily trained commandos would be much cheaper and, in their opinion, much deadlier. Drones on the other hand usually use old control center technologies rather than internal programming, with many fighter and bomber drones having the capability to be manually taken over by a remote pilot. This gives the space fleets a safe way to deploy the expertise of their pilots without risking loss. However, some purist pilots of specific clades claim you lose a fragment of reaction when doing this, and prefer either to fly in person in a real fighter with organic wingmen - or to lead internally programmed drones into battle (or some combination of in-person and manual drone). [/hider] [hider=Rectification] Rectification is the name of a weapon created by the ancient Daisan and was onboard the Warship when it crashed. It’s a highly complex and extremely dangerous weapon coveted by the Daisan community and the only weapon they refuse to trade outside Daisan spheres. The first instance of Rectification came onboard the Daisan warship as a huge mounted gun that ran along the spine of the massive craft of war. Rectification is the name given to what this gun fired, a horrible looking pale orange beam, and is sometimes deployed on specialized Daisan floaters (often paired with energy bubbles) or in larger installations on vehicles and tripods -- or in the largest capacity as a ship mounted weapon of mass destruction. The beam is known to disrupt, destabilize and destroy chemical bonds in fractions of a second on impact, usually leaving no sign of impact other than heat scarring and scorching on the peripherals of the impact, or carbon dust on carbon based organics. Rectification is sometimes referred to as CDB, or Chemical Disruption Beam. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Space forces (Boarding forces excluded)] [hider=Daisan Fighter Droid] The Daisan Fighter droid is an extremely adaptable killing machine that has brought fear to many pilots, both civilian and military. The spiny, oblong almost eldritch ship is not only an intimidating sight, but possesses the hardware to back up the visage. The entire starfighter is encased in a classic Daisan energy bubble, fitted to flow with the shape of the ship itself to maximise efficiency. Hidden among the many forward facing spines are quick shooting plasma railguns meant for quick and close dogfighting and to put stress on heavy shields. Inside the nest of spikes specialized torpedoes are housed, usually ionic to help disrupt shields or cause interior damage to enemy vehicles. Running on four sides of the ship are powerful (yet fitted for small fighter craft) CDB guns meant for finishing off enemies, or clearing them before they become a problem. Interestingly enough, there are two plasma railguns situated on the top and bottom of the ship, usually facing the rear (but able to swivel), to aid in dogfights. This loadout is often noted as to be “heavy.” The lighter, speedier version of the Daisan Fighter droid tends to forgo the CDB arrangements for further power to the engines and thus tend to be skinnier and harder to hit. Other models focus on large torpedo arrays, shield disrupting weapons, atmospheric invasions, or even attracting and tanking enemy weapons, The largest advantage of the Daisan Fighter Droid is its amazing adaptation ability, paired with the quick work of the Daisan, making the next load out as surprising as the first encounter, every time. This model can be operated manually by a Daisan pilot via a Daisan ‘insert’ [hider=Insert] Found usually in larger invasion vehicles or starships, are ‘inserts’. These are potential cockpits or control centers, made uniformly seven feet tall and four to five feet wide, they all have four large holes in the back wall each four inches in diameter and six one diameter holes near the base in two groups of threes. Sensitive technology is found all along the walls of these holes and stretch about four feet back into the vehicle up top and a foot in the smaller holes. In in the front wall of these inserts are numerous potential displays and valves of all sorts, some oddly connected to the exhaust directly.[/hider][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Ground Forces and Boarding Forces] [hider=Base Model Soldier Droid] The Base Model Soldier Droid of the Daisan army is affectionately called “Clankers” by humans. The droid stands around six feet tall and are humanoid in shape, except for their kite shaped heads and strange ankles. These are the most commonly seen soldiers and the most readily modified. Capable of improvisation and some thought, they are able to form strategies and adapt to battlefield conditions. Unmodified, they have a empty slot on their back, and are usually seen carrying the standard Daisan Battle Rifle, ion grenades, plasma grenades, and a side arm (usually a pistol). Some usual modifications take the form of long range assassins, pilots, anti-vehicle, commando, engineer, and all other sorts of mix and matched equipment sets. They are made out of a blast and space resistant metal, and have heavily protected wiring and power cores, resistant to EMP’s and the anomalies of space. Their limbs and joints allow them greater strength for carrying and overpowering in hand to hand combat. In short the base model soldier is a very modifiable and adaptable droid, capable of taking on many different faces. [/hider] [hider=The Base Destroyer Droid model] Earning the human nickname “Reapers”, the Destroyer Droid is a chilling sight on the battlefield. These strange droids have three phases, movement, deploy, and attack. In the movement stage the droid is tucked into an oblong sphere, capable of fast speeds while rolling to its target. As soon as the target is found or it enters range it deploys itself, unfolding from the ball shape into a three legged crab like droid with two “arms” ending in powerful dual blasters. As they begin their onslaught, a personal shield generator is activated and covers them in a protective bubble, capable of taking intense punishment before being oversaturated and being forced into cool down. Many engagements end when Reapers roll onto the battlefield, bubble up, and begin their devastating assaults. Some variants have even more blasters and weapons attached to them, or have slightly altered shields to protect more against certain ballistics or other factors. [/hider] [hider=Daisan Melee Droid] The Daisan Melee Droid, or “Myrmidon” as some humans so heartfully nicknamed it, is a unique droid in all its own. While similar in shape to the Base Soldier Droid, these tend to be thicker in limbs, and capable of a form fitting energy shield to specifically deflect superheat and plasma. Also to note is that they have four tendrils sprouting from their backs similar to pilot droids. Melee Droids have been found to pilot vehicles and of some complex thinking and strategy planning. They themselves wield an assortment of different weapons, but the most common is an energy sword. Another notable weapon are super heated dual whips formed out of scorching and almost rope like plasma. [/hider] [Hider=Daisan Floater Droid] The Daisan Floater Droid is one of the easily overlooked droid by new recruits, and most looked out for Droid by hardened veterans. These spheres float around at extremely fast speeds and their sole purpose is recon and to calculate shots to exterminate the enemy, which they happen to be very good at. Being small in size, around a foot to a foot and a half in diameter, these little fuckers are not only annoying and difficult to hit from a distance, but have no qualms in blasting your comrades in fast moving swarms or being sent as tiny assassins. Most have decent blast armor, and the most deadly have energy bubbles, but all hurt, and all shoot and in the worst cases are equipped with a self destruct protocol. [/hider][/hider] [b]History:[/b] The Exodian Confederation formed during the Eden wars when the human defense company known as Mansa Defense Systems was forced out of regular human space due to their allegiance with a rapidly failing Mercenary company. The humans that were forced into Daisan space quickly attempted to open diplomacy with the aliens and were given a refuge status - but it soon became apparent that the humans were there to stay. Faced with the inevitable reality that humans were now settled in Daisan Space, the independent jurisdictions of the four Exodian systems began to draft a Confederacy to not only keep the growing populations aligned with local interest, but to prevent maligned exterior influence that comes with the new Human interaction. Luckily the humans integrated into the Daisan space with ease, the Defense Company and ragtag mercenary bands already aligned with the war industry of the Exodians. Prior to formation, the majority of Daisan systems had joined the Je'Xee Confederacy, with the Shyll(Exodus) system that contained Hoke, remaining independent to ensure that the Daisan homeworld was able to continue to do what was best for the Daisan without exterior influence. The formation of the Exodian Confederation is often seen simultaneously counterproductive to that wish as well as a strange new way to preserve it. [b]Characters:[/b] (Pretty much the POV characters of your nation. From politicians, scientists, generals, soldiers, civilians, etc. Include whoever you wish to include really.) [/hider]