The young woman chasing the fattened weasely older man came to a halt while the other lay sprawled across the ground. He looked up at Torsten and his friends as he slowly regained his footing. The man could not decide whether his pursuer was a werewolf or a witch, rendering Torsten to believe she wasn’t either. She simply had the upper hand and he was looking for a way out. Torsten would not accommodate him. “No one likes a cheat, you fat oaf,” Torsten decided to side with the witch, if she was one. He honestly believed she was simply smarter than the dumb fat man who allowed a woman to get the better of him in a card game. Some people will blame things out of their control on magic or just plain bad luck. Torsten decided this was one of those situations. “Ma’am, have you reclaimed your possessions?” Torsten asked the young woman lowering his bow. “Sir, I recommend you return to where you come from and pursue a more honest means of acquiring wealth. I look down on common thieves such as you. Now get out of here.” Torsten looked at Ulf and Njal. He made a gesture as though they should lower their weapons and relax. [@POOHEAD189]