[center][hr][b][u][h2][color=c4df9b]Alexander Karamazov Vanburen[/color][/h2][/u][/b][img]https://cdn.kassir.ru/msk/person/d6/d61ca0dab2b47fd20dbb8e30d573ff5c.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [quote]"Ages ago I defeated the Horned God and sealed him inside of a Ram skull... and the Triple Goddess wants her brother back,"[/quote] [color=c4df9b]"Sounds like you were quite busy in the magical business for some time, pops."[/color] Alex answered, crossing his arms while leaning forward on his seat. He had no idea what James had been doing after he had left him and his mother eighteen years ago, other than the sure possibility that he was screwing with at least a dozen more women from all over the four corners of the globe like a deranged sex addict. Now, it seems, he had also been busy fighting these magical beings called Apparitions. He himself had one always around him, following Alex around like a super duper loyal best friend that he never had. The Spectre has been quite nice, despite being a personification of death itself. [color=c4df9b]Well, it looks like that we know what to look for in order to know if the cult of idiots had managed to do their job despite being a group of incompetent mage wannabes with absolutely no management skills. Where did you hide the ram skul, then? We'd have to check if it's gone, and if it's not, we better put it in a more secure location, such as... I don't know. A reinforced steel vault perhaps, with magic thingimajigs keeping it sealed? Dunno, whatever it takes, that is. A lot of the things here could just be grabbed four of a pedestal without any effort, after all."[/color] [center][hr][b][u][h2]Raymond Salazar Vanburen[/h2][/u][/b][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzmqKRIP8uUnwzur9xXjfip7Er2euMVDjoqQ&usqp=CAU[/img][hr][/center] [quote]As they got in the cab[/quote] As soon as the three of them were already settled into the cab, a set of three knocks would ensue on the passenger window on the side that led to the manor. It was Raymond, and he wanted to come with too. "Hey, I heard you talking about going after the cult." He said as soon as the window rolled down. "I want to come along with you... if that's alright. I know quite a bit about magic, and they already have the conversation with our deceased father covered. If rather do something more active." A pause. "Please...?"