[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/13p5sCZ.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/okdwEqO.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IRTlI29.png?1[/img][/center] [color=f6989d]He was [i]creative[/i] to say the least, and for that he earned a semblance of respect. DeVito winking back almost got a laugh from her, this was by far the weirdest way she has handled being catcalled at school, and from not wanting to burn bridges out in the open might have even found a new person to add a little more entertainment to her life while she still had very little responsibility on her shoulders. Though that’s assuming a lot of things to fall into place. Like getting over his catcalling habits, or maybe him learning not to do that? Both unlikely, but stranger things have happened and for much less. Things were happening quickly, as all first days often end up, time passing by in blurs. More people joined her beside Emily. Namely, a familiar face that she at first didn’t recognize, the name is lost in a sea of bad memories she had been trying to suppress for years to no avail. Obviously someone from the wicked mister years of middle school, but who exactly eluded her as she listened to the new girl talk to DeVito— [i]Spike.[/i] A playful smile lit up her features as she watched the guy in question have his air of [i]mystery[/i], if you could call it that, was stripped away in seconds by someone who actually knew him. It was a welcomed distraction from trying to delve deeper into the dark times of her school life to grasp the dated information of the person who had joined them. Thankfully more people would walk into the circle that Spike had created with just one catcall, mostly made up of girls. Two now, looked very familiar, but only the most recent one had jogged her memory as soon as she faced her after having a conversation with the male. Who was obviously close enough to them to know their drink order, and for them to be comfortable with how close they were. Armintah Goh, the same girl she knew way back when the worst of their worries was what colored crayon to use for their drawings. Her name coming from her being proof enough alongside how she was just like an older version of her younger self. It didn’t go unnoticed by her that she had finally named the mystery girl, the name ringing many bells. Some of them being alarms, not that it was entirely from her. [color=F06564]”M-Minty?”[/color] If Minty had checked her out, it was definitely lost to the redhead, who had done the same. Though she was more upfront with how blown away she was with how her old friend from back in grade school had changed into the beautiful young woman that stood before her now. [color=F06564]”Oh my god, you’ve—We definitely should catch up. You have art right?”[/color] Juno doesn’t have much time to answer the queen bee who had cut her way through the other students to their group, and immediately made it known that she was the topmost tier of the student body for Rosefell’s hierarchy. Melissa left little room to ask questions or interject more than that and possibly might have been the straw that broke poor DeVito’s camelback, cause he was quick to skedaddled away from the growing group of females. Though not before some poor guy nearly got murdered by a woman she thought was banned from driving…. [i]‘That poor guy-’[/i] Spike’s car horn going off made her jump slightly and back into what felt like a wall, but the voice of Jackson quickly put her at ease and settled the growing anxiety, as he came to stand beside her. It was a relief that it was just one of her close male friends, though they hadn’t known each other as long as some of the other friends around her currently. Her expression relaxing into a jovial expression as she stood upon the tips of her toes to wrap her arms around him in a hug, her arms resting briefly behind his neck as she quietly greeted him back. [color=F06564]”It’s been too long, Jeong-hae Oppa.”[/color] It took all summer to actually be able to pronounce that, but it would be worth it in the long run, she hoped at least. Pulling away to give him a bright smile, a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she quickly added, [color=F06564]”We should have another marathon soon.”[/color] Glossing over the small joke as she straightened herself back to standing beside him to hear the announcement from the speakers going off. Spike’s voice being played out for everyone to hear with little tidbits of information being shared, only after ending the first time did he chime in a few seconds later with a small message addressed to her with his moniker for her. [i]‘A well-earned point for Spike and Ike..’[/i] Lilith soon spoke up, awkwardly or maybe Juno was just projecting that onto her, and asked about the tour. Pressing her lips into a thin line, a part of her hated how easy it was for her eyes to wander and land almost immediately on one of the two faces she didn’t want to see. It definitely affected her answer. [color=F06564]”Yeah, we should probably do that. Can’t use the being new excuse if I’m late since they set up the tour buddy thing.”[/color] Juno answered, her smile slightly falling as she looked back to Lilith and took a spot by the girl’s side, sending apologetic waves to her friends that were still there. [color=F06564]”You already know I’m Juno, but it’s nice to meet you, all things considered.”[/color] Learning her new school should be a good enough distraction. [/color]