[Hider=The Orphan Twins] [h3]Kade and Kala Foreldreløst[/h3] [b]The Orphan Twins[/b] Storm surge lashed the Western Cape, huge plumes of white spray towering into the air as the ocean slammed against great black cliffs with an earth shaking fury. Trees, long bent and stunted in growth by the howling wind, danced and shook beneath the anger of the storm, the rain battering the few leaves still stubbornly clinging to their precarious perch. Amid it all a single light glowed faintly along the coast, the cliff face flickering steadily to betray the presence of a fire, a lone spot of warmth in a landscape otherwise devoid of life. This was a land the human occupants, known widely as the Clans of Twenty Halls, or more generally as the Slakte, sent their banished to die. Seated in a deep cave, the entrance protected by a narrow twisting tunnel, were two who had been so banished. The firelight, a glimmer in the dark outside, served to cast a strong light across their living space and grim features. Kade was the larger of the two, a notably fearsome looking male boasting corded muscle and cruel features. Kala, his sister, was as beautiful as she was fearsome. She too had shaved the sides of her head, the remainder of her red hair falling in a plaited braid to the small of her back. One might have mistaken them for your average Slakte were it not for their extraordinary pitiless black eyes. Once, many moons ago, they had been frightened children fleeing the burning of their family hall. The only survivors, they had been forced to turn to the Western Cape for shelter for none would take them in. It was assumed they would die in that dark cave at the edge of the world but the Norns move in a mysterious ways and instead of death they found two long teeth placed there long ago by people unknown. Kala had found them first, the polished black items she at first mistook for sword blades. They fashioned the items into hunting tools and found them unbreakable and forever sharp. Little could they know that they had found the teeth of the Black God. The Black God, ever present in his artefacts, had found willing hearts filled with fear and hatred. It took little to bring the pair dreams of glory and revenge. For fifteen years it gave them unnatural strength, speed, and endurance, allowing them to survive their savage home and flourish. Now, as they stared at the black blades furnished into proper weapons, they knew the time had come. They would take what should have been theirs by birthright. Not just the Twenty Halls, but all the lands beyond it, for the Black God had spoken and his chosen would not be denied. [/hider]