Amano's stomach does a little flip at the smile Illiendi flashes his way, and he carefully leans forward on to his elbows. As the other man speaks his hands come up, lacing their fingers together before his presses them just beneath his nose, propping his head up with his thumbs. [i]'I is so odd, the things people treasure over their lives'[/i] He muses, getting only slightly ill at the thought of what's going to happen to those people who dared try and steal him away from the world. [i]'It is so foolish! All of these things could have happened naturally, save maybe the forgetting one, and still these people. . .'[/i] His brows furrow. [i]'On that line, I suppose my life could happen seconds from now, but at least I can claim my out of no vanity or twisted sense of power. . .'[/i] With a sigh he glances up at Illiendi and swallows hard. [i]'I suppose now we should talk about this stupid idea I have'[/i] Clearing his throat he shifts his eyes around the room once before speaking in a low voice. “That sounds like exactly what I asked for, thank you.” Dragging his eyes back to the being sitting across from him he steels himself. “There is no doubt you are an amazing, being, and you could give me anything I desire. I think it would be rude to just send you off to do whatever pops into my mind as I think of them, so instead I'm hoping for something a little more. . . .” His mind casts about for the right way to put it. “I'm the youngest son, no one expects anything of me. And while I'm sure you could kill my siblings and make me the next successor, or something else as easy as that, however that just wouldn't feel right to me.” His hands drop down to the table, sliding against one another until he's gripping his elbows softly. “You are obviously wise and intelligent, and that's just what a simple guy like me needs to get ahead in this world.” Staring at his hands his voice drops to a whisper. “I want you to stay with me, and teach me how to make my own fortune. I don't want success to just be handed to me, I wanna work for it.” His gaze shifts up to Illiendi. “I want you to be my companion and mentor as I find my place in the world. Even if that takes me away from this town or across the seas.” Biting his lip he adds, “This was the least menial task I could think of, and I know it must sound like such a hassle to teach a. . .a human stuff I'm sure you learned years ago, and over the course of your long life, but if we can both get what we need out of it, I'd say it's a win win, you know?” Falling silent he looks up a second later when the server appears with his drink. Looking to Illiendi he motions that he's free to get something as well, should he want it. The server however gives Amano a 'Who the hell did you bring in here boy?!' look, which Amano returns with a sheepish grin.