Name: Adara Kraith. Age: 57 (3 years since reincarnation) Species: Artificial vampire Appearance: Adara is about 135 centimeters (around 4"4") , she has quite a slim build. She usually dresses a neutral face or a smug smirk, showing off her feelings of superiority over others. she has straight mid back length silver-ish white hair, red-eyes [hider=image] [img][/img] [/hider] Abilities: Adara has a high preference towards necromancy even if she knows other types she simply refuses to use them as it was her family’s signature. She however does not like or can properly raise the dead, using parts of the deceased instead. This does play with her special quirk as part of her necromancy where she can freely control anything deceased within a 15 meter radius, this was 4 meters from before she reincarnated making her theorize it has something to do with her connection to the concept of death itself. Her small frame makes her rather nimble and swift. The small crystal on her cloak serves as a magic residue of some sort as she would flow magic into it when unnecessary (like during sleep) to make sure she can use magic without it straining her body anytime soon, this however does leave her pretty cranky in the morning. Personality: Even though her looks may look like a innocent little girl as she has the knowledge of a fully fletched mage that could rival a lot of the top mages during her time. She sometimes likes to tease people by acting all innocent but in generally would act not all that differently from her old self. Full of herself, wanting to help and being as lazy as can be to the point of using severed hand to hold the book and another to turn the pages. She gets rather frustrated about her appearance as if they knew who they were actually talking to they wouldn’t treat her like a child all that much. Backstory: Adara (Born as a wholly different person) has been very proud of his abilities from a young age as he was born with a aptitude for a unknown kind of necromancy in the family which quickly let him to be shunned by them for lacking any real talent to become the next head of the family. He learned on his own and quickly rose up to be a pretty prominent mage in his own right, all that changed when he tried to search for immortality which he tried to use a female vampire’s blood and made a alchemic formula to make use of her essence of immortality for his own… this however backfired with him losing his life. Waking up a couple years later in a body that was somewhat similar to the vampire’s although looking younger. He, or rather she had gained immortality but lost her status. (She’d never publicly tell anyone, instead saying stuff like “I died, then came back” or “I was a big shot years ago” most of the time, she is so secretive about it that she hasn’t even revealed her previous name to anyone) Other: She’s strangely attached to her cloak and refuses to take it off unless absolutely necessary. It also looks like she talks to herself when she’s actually talking to the wisps.