Long time coming but here he is. [hider= Chris Bell] [img] https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/345/304/20160805093930/smaller_square/peter-kapritsias-portrait-study-of-a-young-man.jpg?1470407970[/img] [color=2E8B57][i]”I'm like Japan's little pit bull. They beat it, starve it, mistreat it, and once in a while they let it out to attack somebody.”[/i][/color] [hr] [color=2E8B57][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=silver]Christian Alexander Bell[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Nationality[/b][/color] [color=silver]American[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=silver]34[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] [color=silver]HeteroSexual[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Birth[/b][/color] [color=silver]March 14, 1997; Pensacola, Florida[/color] [hr] [color=2E8B57][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=silver]Christian stands tall at 6’3. Well built muscles, and a strict grooming regime are his attempts at standing out in a world he’s categorically alienated from.Despite a long career of warfighting, Christian has been lucky enough to keep himself safe from injury that would require need of cybernetic prosthetics, as such he’s kept away from cybernetic enhancements of any kind, preferring a well toned physique to well toned clockwork machinery as part of his physical aesthetic. While on duty he wears a clean set of the NSF uniform, no deviations from the regulations,his military background making it almost second nature to maintain a uniform. His armor on the other hand is the closest thing to cybernetic enhancement as he’ll allow himself. Heavily modified to fit his needs on the battlefield, he’ll routinely have the tech specialists work with him to keep the hardware battle ready and pristine. Outside of his duties as an NSF operative, he wears casual clothes, jeans, hoodies,and baseball caps. [/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Height[/b][/color] [color=silver]6’3”[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Weight[/b][/color] [color=silver]195[/color] [hr] [color=2E8B57][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=silver] Christian is a flippant individual by nature. He’s as quick with a joke as he is with an insult in most situations, although that's not to say he can’t take things seriously. He just prefers to approach problems with a lighthearted attitude, as opposed to a bitter one. Nobody wants to be around someone with a rod up their ass their whole lives. His long career has molded him into a mercenary, he doesn’t care for causes, or doing the ‘right’ thing. In his experience noble causes and pretty mission statements were just tools used by people with stars on their shoulders and flags pinned to their suits to sell the idea of war to the young and stupid. The young die for their profit. If the old can make a little money starting wars? He could make a little fighting them. [/color] [hr] [color=2E8B57][b]Role[/b][/color] [color=silver]Rifleman[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [hider=Chris’s Armor] [Img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/51/88/dc/5188dcb2caa21277cf7b2017cce33aab.jpg[/img] Chris has modified his armor to suit his needs on the field, it fields things such as a PHUD, a Compad, Pneumatic strength Assist, Weight dispersion pneumatics, Movement Assistance Systems, Integrated Ballistics Computer,Threat Analysis System, ID Lock. [/hider] [hider=Chris’s Rifle] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/603838418702827530/643646860225019944/vojtech-lacina-vojtechlacina-weapon-01.png[/img] [/hider] [hider= Chris’s Pistol] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/603838418702827530/643647031801282561/e1a8203023b0a613e210de31164c0fd5.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Chris’s Knife] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/009/454/479/large/alex-williams-combat-knife-render.jpg?1519088639[/img] [/hider] [hider=Chris’s Wrist mounted concealed Knife] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/603838418702827530/643653908031340564/latest.png[/img] [/hider] [color=2E8B57][b]Previous Careers[/b][/color] [color=silver] United States Marine(10Y)[/color] [color=silver] Blackwatch Mercenary(5Y)[/color] [hr] [color=2E8B57][b]Biography[/b][/color] [color=silver] Christian Alexander Bell was born in Pensacola Florida to parents who were entirely too young, and too dumb to raise a son. His father knew that early, because not long after his birth, he abandoned his family. Not long after his father's abandonment, whether it be because of the hardships of life or addiction; Chris never cared to find out which, His mother left him at the steps of a fire station. A safe haven baby, and a ward of the state. The beginnings of Chris’s life were hard, being an orphan, he bounced from foster home to foster home, school to school. As a result of this Chris found it hard to make friends, and his peers found it easy to pick on him as a result. Chris figured out early that it was easier to make his peers like him if he could make them laugh, and that influenced his personality. Nobody wanted to punch the comedian in the classroom. Being the clown of every social circle would be his identity for the majority of his high school career, his flippant and nonchalant attitude made him popular with his peers, but he also found it was easy to annoy those who were supposed to be in charge of him. After high school his friend group evaporated all but his highschool girlfriend, Claire Belgrave. He married her right out of highschool. Abysmal grades limited his prospects for school. And faced with a budding new family, Chris felt he had little choice but to enlist in the United States Marines not long after his marriage to Claire. He again was a favorite of his squadmates within the marines, but he drew the Ire of those who were above him in the rankings, from Drill instructors during basic training, to his lieutenants in the middle east when he served overseas. When Christian first enlisted he learned to believe in the cause of the military he served, bringing stability to the region he was in, fighting the terrorists there. Over time however, as he watched more and more of his friends die with every combat, and the officers struggle with bureaucracy, being consumed by it themselves or offering their men to stave off the damage to their own careers, the causes stopped meaning anything to him. He stopped caring about them, they all seemed like lies to him when stacked next to a fresh row of black body bags. The only thing that mattered was the money he made. He eventually made the rank of Staff Sergeant, and he led his Marines under that premise, hearts and minds came second to coming home and getting paid for Christian, and he enforced these rules with his squad. Chris’s downward spiral culminated in Afghanistan, with half his squad dead on a Lieutenant’s glory run. By the time the sun set that day, the Lieutenant’s nose was broken in three places, and Chris had two choices: Take the Lieutenant to trial, maybe get some justice for his Marines, but go to Leavenworth in the process...or let it go, be released on a simple Bad Conduct Discharge, he and the Lieutenant walk free. In the end, Chris couldn’t throw his own life away like that, with a wife and child to care for and so many years ahead, instead; Christian went home, but he found home had stopped being in the states long ago. Ten years of being a Marine had made his relationship with Claire hard as it became harder and harder to see her world, as she could never see his. He was away for long periods of time, and when he was home he was either drunk, or arguing with her. Under those conditions, divorce was a foregone conclusion, and Claire took their son Chris Jr. with her to Texas, leaving Chris alone with his nightmares. With no family, and no other prospects after a lifetime of soldiering. Chris found his new home to be the bottom of a bottle for a time, until a recruiter for a Mercenary company by the name of Blackwatch found him. Someone in Chris’s old unit had recommended him, a member of the outfit himself apparently. Child support now being a looming obstacle in Chris’s life; he quickly accepted. The work suited him well, war suited him well, even if sometimes at night, he saw places long destroyed, and Marines long dead. He fought in jungles, deserts, and destroyed cities, dragging himself through bloody battlefield dirt in every conflict zone the world over. However, his time with the Blackwatch Mercenaries was cut short after a VIP escort went sour. Chris led the security detail for a South American politician, currently working for re-election in his province. The politician was an idealist, who believed that the voices of every person counted and thus, political outreach was a necessity. Chris argued vehemently against a planned route the politician wanted to take, snaking through gang territory in the poorer districts, but the man would not hear any of it. They were attacked along the way; turns out progressive activism makes you an enemy of criminals who benefit from the status quo. He once again lost half of his team in the ensuing six hour gunfight through urban terrain to save the Politician. At the end of their gauntlet, Chris was exhausted and enraged. In the politician's face he saw his old Lieutenant, another baby faced bastard on a glory run, Chris lost it. He doesn’t remember much of what followed, but instead of continuing the campaign trail, the Politician found himself going through months of therapy to get over the injuries Chris gave him. And Chris found himself summarily fired from Blackwatch, with a strong warning never to return to that part of the world. Chris found himself at the bottom of a bottle again, swiftly watching his money fade away, running through his hands like water as child support and cost of living tanked his savings, leaving him nearly back where he started. Things might have ended like that were it not for a lucky break: one of his old comrades had something for him. Yui Kategawa was a fiery brunette with a fierce loyalty to her own men, including her one-time comrade Chris, and her country. Chris isn’t sure how or why she heard about his fate, but one day at the bar was interrupted by a size five armored boot kicking the door open, and an offer for a new job: The NSF. While Chris was initially unsure, Yui was persistent, and after a few days, Chris agreed to uproot his life and come to Japan, becoming one of few foreigners to enter the NSF’s ranks. [/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Affiliations[/b][/color] [color=silver]BlackWatch Mercenary Company[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Relationships [Optional][/b][/color] [color=silver]Claire Belgrave- Ex wife[/color] [color=silver] Christian Bell Jr.- Son[/color] [color=silver] Yui Kategawa- Former Blackwatch Comrade, Friend[/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Extra[/b][/color] [color=silver]A brief description of the Armor modifications. Pneumatic Strength Assist: A series of subdermal pistons and metal plates fixed about the skeleton of the armor allow a user to make use of greatly enhanced strength in the arms, the metal plates providing the durability to support hits Weight Dispersion Pneumatics: A series of pneumatic presses in the legs allow the user to disperse weight as kinetic energy through the armor's frame instead of in one concentrated burst, allowing the user to fall great distances without damage Movement Assistance Systems: The user's armor is fitted with a thin kinetic gel layer to absorb impacts from running and to provide additional assistance to the user's motion, increasing their speed tremendously PHUD: A personal heads up display of a jumble of icons and information, sorted into a screen by an onboard computer to provide combat and tactical assistance for the HID COMPAD: Wrist mounted Comlink. Integrated Ballistics Computer - A high-tech computational device hooked into the data-flow from the PHUD, this device calculates distance, gravity, atmospheric and all other relevant factors to allow Chris to make shots under any circumstances Threat Analysis System - Hooked into the output of the PHUD, the TAS can detect chemical imbalances, muscle tension, electrical activity and other contributing factors to determine the likelihood of a given individual or system being a threat to the armor’s wearer, namely Chris. This grants him the information he needs to know when he needs to be ready to fight, and when he can take it easy ID Lock - Chris’s Armor is keyed to his specific genome, and coded to respond to his voice print. This system prevents the armor from being removed by other people without Chris’s vocalized approval, and prevents it from being donned by other individuals without the same. [/color] [color=2E8B57][b]Theme Song[/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU2wBKoDOzg] Chris Theme [/url] [/hider]