[quote=@Kazemitsu] [u][b]Spike[/b][/u] [b]Spike Name:[/b] Aspect Thief Spike Description: A jet black spike that looks to be made of chitin. Along its surface are red pulsing veins, almost as if the spike had been shattered and repaired at one point. The spike is located dead center of his chest and seems to be constantly active judging by the glowing. [b]Spike Theme:[/b] Stealing beneficial aspects from dead enemies to make the wielder better. Which also grants limited forms of shapeshifting of the physical body. [b]Spike Abilities:[/b][list] [*] Absorbing Theft: As the name suggests after killing something he absorbs something from them by consuming a portion of their body. This applies to physical attributes only and redundant aspects do not compile together. The stronger one is taken while the weaker is cast off. (He can't eat 50 ogres and have 50 ogres worth of strength, it's just the strength of one ogre.) [*] Transformation: With his spike functioning he can change his body to better suit certain situations. He can cover his body in chitin armor for example, or get monstrous claws, cudgel-like hands, etc etc. The more, and different, creatures he eats and steals from the more complex forms he can change himself into. [/list] Is this what you meant? [/quote] Yes. Id say limit the second ability more. As it is, its too exponential since he could eat everything that moves and instantly gain armor, armaments, flight, poison, underwater breathing, etc from eating different bugs, birds, frogs, crabs etc that is around the area and easily catchable and edible. Perhaps only one aspect of one animal at a time without being able to stack transformations together, and needing time to switch to another aspect/transformation, as well as needing to eat stronger creatures.