Aight character done. Will have art of him WHEN I CAN PAY FOR IT. [hider=The Silver Knight] [color=6ecff6]Name[/color]: Galain Jinn [color=6ecff6]Race[/color]: Bright Elf [color=6ecff6]Age[/color]: 147, physically appears like a human in their mid 20s [color=6ecff6]Sex[/color]: Male Again [color=6ecff6]Appearance[/color]: Galain sports shoulder-length white hair, straightened meticulously. His form is slender but athletic, sporting the slimmed musculature of the trained warriors of his people. Despite his age, his straight and narrow features make him appear wiser than he actually is. Galain's eyes are also normally closed, hiding his cyan eyes. How he does this while still fighting is one of the many mysteries of the Bronze Castle, but his ears appear to be his weak points. [color=6ecff6]Personality[/color]: The solitary type who avoids most comforts in favor of getting more work done. Patient and stoic, very aware of his kind's long life much to his detriment. At the same time, possesses a dry wit and a sarcastic nature. Unlike his kind, is quite understanding of the monstrous races, having grown accustomed to their culture and lifestyle, while also aware he will never truly be welcomed by them. Seems to be weighed down by a past trauma. Also a bit of a clean freak who will do housework without a second thought if asked. [color=6ecff6]History[/color]: A Bright Elf knight who had come to the Bronze Castle not too long ago, Galain served as a protector of a would-be interloper to the throne. Making it past the walls and beyond, the interloper in question might have been successful in ending the King's reign prematurely had it not been for a decisive blow. With his charge dead and the rest of his retinue defeated, Galain had surrendered. Rather than returning home with his honor tarnished, Galain had chosen to stay within the walls of the Bronze Castle in exile. However, the longer he had spent within the castle, the closer he became with the assortment of monstrous tribes that make up the kingdom. Believing that his people and the monsters could make peace, Galain had sworn himself to the Bronze King, hoping to restore his honor by serving as an emissary of his people. Little did he know the outrage that his defeat had caused in the lands of the Bright Elves... [color=6ecff6]Personal Ability[/color]: Above all else, Galain's abilities with the sword are top-notch, having been trained by a true master at the art, fighting with a mix of single and two-handed grips. However, instead of the flashy techniques used by other Bright Elves, Galain's swordsmanship is much more practical in nature, focused on defensive techniques such as parrying attacks and deflecting arrows mid-flight. Galain's hearing is also quite keen even for an elf, utilizing his sensitive ears to both aid himself in combat and to keep an ear out against ambushes and subterfuge. Other notable skills include negotiating, horseback riding, calligraphy, and acrobatics. [color=6ecff6]Equipment[/color]: Galain's signature weapon is sword, an elegantly forged thin curved blade forged from silverite mithril, a precious metal commonly used by the Bright Elves. While its curved edge is tapered to enhance cutting power, it still possesses the ability to stab like other swords. Galain's other possessions include quilted silver robes made to protect the wearer while maximizing protection, and a thin mithril circlet worn mostly to denote his former station. Among Galain's most treasured possessions is a silver ring given to him by the knight he once served. The ring seems... attached to him in some way. [color=6ecff6]Spike Name[/color]: Resilience Lunar [color=6ecff6]Spike Description[/color]: A silver ring inlaid with a shimmering moonstone gem. Within the inner portion of the ring, three long spikes emerge, each a reminder of the wearer's past mistakes, retracted until it is worn on one's ring finger. These spikes pierce the wearer's finger if they are compatible with its magics, becoming permanently affixed. The moonstone glows a pale blue whenever its active powers are utilized, and radiating pain surges through the wearer's arm once a power is activated. [color=6ecff6]Spike Theme[/color]: Rejection. To reject the status quo, and to reject outside influences from affecting one's self. The moon orbits away from the sun, and it shines only because it reflects the sun's rays away from itself. [color=6ecff6]Spike Abilities[/color]: At a baseline, Resilience Lunar possesses a passive and an active component. The passive ability allows the wielder to reject physical forces, boosting the wearer's resistance against effects that would knock them down or keep them pinned. The active ability allows the wielder to push other creatures and objects with directed telekinetic force, rejecting those from the wearer's space. While the telekinetic power is strong enough to sweep the average human-sized creature off their feet, it currently doesn't possess enough force to cause any damage on its own. [/hider]