[hider=Manami Fuyu, Disgraced Water Saint] Name: Manami Fuyu Age: 26 Birthday: 13/01, x869 Magic: Tainted Water Saint A form of forbidden lost magic that is a combination of both water and holy magic, meant to allow the user to reap the benefits of both, though the way Manami gained it has made it forever tainted and corrupt, making it more potent but inferior in usage. While Manami is capable of separating the two, she is unable to manipulate water unless she has placed holy magic inside of it first, thus making the waterside much weaker. Spells: Generate Holy: By touching a body/container/etc of water, she can enchant it with holy energy to manipulate. Obviously, the larger the amount of water, the more time and magical energy are required to enchant it fully. Ranging from a vial taking a minute, to a lake possibly taking weeks. Once enchanted with the holy element she can manipulate it as she pleases Generate Holy Water: In the case, she doesn’t have any on hand, she can sacrifice her magic power to create her own, though it’s not as cost-efficient as enchanting water, it’s useful for on the fly fighting. Storage: She can store her holy water within her own body for various usages. Calming Waves: By touching a target, Manami can soothe their soul and mind, often used for calming down hysterical or panicked allies, but also useful for restoring one's mental state, though it seems to cost her her own mental state the more she uses the spell. Radiant Torrent: By condensing her water into a ball, she can fire super-pressurized blasts of water out of it. Holy Blades: A dozen blades made of holy water appear around Manami Water Body: She can turn her body into holy water for brief moments in time, usually as a form of transportation from one location to the other. Healing Grace: At a touch, Manami can heal most minor wounds, or at least close most wounds. Though to heal the more major wounds requires time spent inside her holy water. Churning Waves: The polar opposite to Calming Waves, she can deteriorate one's mental state or cast a state of confusion over one's mind by creating an insignia on her target's body using her magic. Cannon: She can send out a concentrated blast of holy water from an outstretched hand Holy Body: By absorbing the holy element from her water, she can forcibly power up her body, obtaining a soft glow and an enhancement to her overall durability and attacks, though it seems to come at a mental and physical toll. Angels Armour: Similar to Holy Body, but instead of a power-up is simply coating her body in a layer of holy energy to protect against attacks. Bubble Shield: To protect against attacks, she forms a bubble of holy water against either herself or her target. Cursed Water: While her waters were meant for healing and soothing others, the tainted nature of it gave birth to this ability. Using this, she can do one of the following effects of her choosing: weakening her target, causing a sense of dread to overcome them, her target will start to hallucinate and see their greatest fear, slowly lose magical power as time wears on, slow her target or take more damage from her or her allies attacks Wrath of Gabriel: Currently Manami’s most powerful spell. She is filled with insatiable wrath and seems to become deranged as she absorbs the very essence of her magic, giving her a massive spike in power though at a mental and massive magical cost, stopping at nothing to bring down whoever her target is. More to be added as time passes or I decide to add/they’re approved Magic Level: A History: Manami was raised in a church on the outskirts of Fiore by her father after her mother died during childbirth. The head priest, he also ran the church which doubled as an orphanage, taking in children from all over Fiore and even beyond, preaching their church was a place for those with nothing to be a haven. Naturally, this proved to be false as her father and other higher-ranking members had not only been gathering orphans to sacrifice for a ritual but also had other...dubious methods of gathering sacrifices. For within this seemingly normal church was a twisted dogma. A cult dedicated to stopping the ‘evil slayers from once more wreaking havoc upon Fiore’. From a young age, Manami was indoctrinated to this perverted belief. Raised with the impression that she was born with the sole purpose of stopping their destructive and wicked ways, that the only way she was to stop these monsters was to become a monster herself, for god would show favor towards his champion even if she were to commit atrocities to defeat the slayers. Her family bloodline had always been blessed with a connection to the Arch-Angel Gabriel, however, for the past 3 generations, none had been born with the ability to use what had been their signature Water Saint Magic, her father distraught when Manami also proved unable to learn it. Which was what drove him to gather the sacrifices needed to fuel the ritual to force the magic to awaken from its slumber within Manami. Though the ritual would be counted as a success, it still didn’t give the results the man craved, though perhaps it was because of the survival of a lone sacrifice, who would later be named Shiro and paired as Manami’s partner, or Manami waking up before the ritual could be completed he had theorized but could never quite pin what had gone wrong. Manami, with the benefit of hindsight, would be able to now. With her newly awakened powers, Manami’s education would only be increased, adding on a curriculum that would aid in mastering her powers and using it to banish evil and defeat the ‘evil’ slayers once and for all. Even when she found out the reality of how she had gained her power, by this point in her life she had been well and truly morphed into an arrogant, self-righteous monster like her father had been rearing her up to become, though much to his horror she would turn her power against the church. Unable to allow the sin of killing young children, even for a ‘just cause’, go unpunished, she arrogantly denounced her father and set about killing every last member of the church, no matter their place in the schemes her father had concocted or their role, or lack thereof, in the ritual from years past. Well, all members bar Shiro, who would return from errands to find the church set ablaze and everyone inside murdered by none other than Manami herself. Soon after this event, Shadow Heart’s master, Georgie, came and personally scouted Manami to join the guild, which was where Manami’s sins would only become worse and worse. Despite being a member of what was clearly a dark guild, she still retained her self-righteous behavior, selective of the missions she undertook and killing without mercy if someone strayed from what she believed to be a just path. Typically, she would only kill other dark mages, corrupt individuals, or other criminal like individuals, but she would also kill anyone who bore witness to such crimes under Georgies orders, even killing innocents at times if she deemed it to be in the best interests of her path forward. During the events of the GMG, her bloodstained path would clash with the Paladin James from Phoenix Wing as she tried to take advantage of so many slayers in one place to exact her purpose and kill as many as she could. Though her first attempt, on Dragon Fangs Hunter, was a miserable affair, she chalked it down to her own overconfidence on the matter, and upon trying again, this time on Phoenix Wings Amaya, was when she finally crossed paths with James. After some back and forth, a battle was inevitable. With Shiro engaging other members of Phoenix Wing, Manami decided to personally put the paladin down herself, though quickly become increasingly frustrated and frantic as the battle wore on. What proved to be James final blow on the young lady would prove to be the most significant moment in her life, forced to relive every atrocity she had ever committed in the name of justice, but most importantly, breaking the warped delusional reality that her father had painstakingly forced upon her. Though she and Shiro were captured, they were later freed by Nidhogg, though since that moment Manami was never the same. Unable to bear the weight of her sins, she fell into a spiral of disbelief and hesitation, unsure what was real and what wasn’t. During this time, she was ambushed by Ash and a few members of Frenzy Plant, easily overpowered despite Shiro’s frantic attempts to protect her, and captured again. This time proving to be the final straw for Georgie, who would send the S-class Maxie Firestorm to break her and Shiro out, only for the man to try and kill them. During the ensuing battle, the shellshocked Manami would only survive due to Shiro’s quick-thinking in aiding their escape, though Shiro was gravely wounded and would later lose the ability to use her left eye. Healing Shiro would be her last use of magic for nearly a year as the duo remained on the run from both the council, light guilds, and Shadow Heart. With her life has proven to be nothing but a lie until now, she would eventually find her way to the Silverbranch Glade, home to the witch coven that made up the majority of Wolven Pyre, where they have resided since. A few months ago, after having made contact with Priscilla and the coven, Manami and Shiro are currently ‘probationary’ members of the fledgling guild. Personality: The guilt of her previous affiliation with Shadow Heart and her actions taken while a member of the Dark Guild seems to have taken its toll on the young woman. While on the outside, her typically gentle and kind demeanor remains, her usual confident and self-righteous behavior has been replaced with self-doubt, becoming overly critical of her own actions, or lack thereof. From the outside, she’s still the same kind-hearted, polite, and elegant individual that she used to portray herself as however there's also this...disconnection. A real struggle to make a meaningful connection with anyone bar Shiro, cursing her own ineptitude as her sins weigh heavily on her mind. Despite being a mere shell of her previous self, she has begun to liven up a little bit since finding her way to Wolven Pyre, even though she worries what would happen if they were to find out about her past. She has also grown to detest her magic, preferring to not ever have to use it unless absolutely needed. Guild and guild mark location: Wolven Pyre, light blue on the right side of her neck Team Members: Shiro Three Strengths: 1. Versatile magic 2. Handling small children 3. An awesome cook Three Weaknesses: 1. She cannot sit still as the young or innocent get hurt 2. Electricity magic is highly effective against her and has a fear of lightning/thunder 3. A lack of conviction Greatest Love: Currently the most precious thing to Manami is Shiro Motivation: Currently without one, bar her quest for finding one Appearance: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/795703299830841384/hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_hegata_hegatia_lapis__sample-89b17dee34a39c98eeb01cd30100cd68.png[/img] Additional Details: She has a near-flawless complexion, if not for a variety of scars that litter her body. The most noteworthy ones being some severe disfiguration around her left thigh and a smaller scar near her belly button Manami’s height is 5’9 [/hider] [hider=Shiro, Sarcastically Passive-Aggressive] Name: Shiro Age: 23 Birthday: 15/08, x871 Magic: Enhancement Curse A byproduct of the ritual she survived, she gained this magic by taking in some of the life-forces of those sacrificed, allowing her to survive and turning her hair white in the process. While it gives her access to a variety of abilities, generally around the general manipulation of the ethernano in her own body, the more powerful ones chip away at her sanity during a fight, causing her personality to twist and her actions to become more deranged, erratic and dangerous to enemies and allies alike with usage. Her spells/abilities include: Blink: Similar to teleportation, but it’s more a series of small leaps with small delays in between each leap. The larger the distance, the longer the delay between each jump. Generally speaking, 10m’s or less is around a 3-10 second delay. She is also unable to attack immediately after a jump. Enhancement: Channels magic to increase her physical strength, speed, and durability. Can also enhance objects to be used as weapons or weapons durability in general. It works on a percentage value in terms of how much enhancement she gives herself or the objects in question, burning through more magic the more % she uses. After passing 75%, she’ll begin to become erratic, the speed of which increases the more she uses and the longer she uses. Iron Skin: A branch off of the enhancement, she can temporarily harden her skin to protect against an attack. Destructive Force: Another branch off from enhancement, she can focus a large amount of power into one of her blows, capable of causing a small impact crater or leveling a building depending on how long she gets to charge. Camouflage: She can blend into her surroundings, typically more in shadows or places with ill lighting or in dense forage, and makes it harder to find her, also hiding her magical presence, any killing intent, or just her physical presence in general. Unable to hide her scent, and if she wishes to attack her presence will once more be able to be sensed. She is also able to extend this to as many people as she can touch, though extended use is unadvised. Spear of the Archangel: Her most powerful combat ability, by building up momentum she can generate an incredible amount of force, the more momentum causing more damage. Though in exchange, the more power the blow, the more it affects her mental state. Return Serve: While activated, any damage that Shiro takes she can harness, storing it up till she decides to unleash it back in a powerful physical blow at three times the amount of damage she has taken. It does not nullify the damage she has taken, and the more damage she takes the greater the mental toll. Limit Release: Shiro’s last-ditch trump card, once activated Shiro’s enhancement magic is cranked up to 110%, her mental state taking the appropriate toll, and her physical abilities are pushed beyond their limit for five minutes. More to come as time passes Magic Level: B History: Shiro has no memories before the ritual that granted Manami her magic, the trauma taking its toll in many ways. The only thing she knew from that young age was that she had been chosen by ‘god’ himself to serve Manami, as evident by her survival. And as such, she was raised to be Manami’s hand-maiden, friend, and partner whenever she had to do a task. She would serve Manami, and the church, for 7 years till she was sent away by Manami on an errand. Thinking nothing of it, she was shocked upon her return to find the church ablaze, and Manami in a hysterical fit, covered in blood and wounds. Taking Manami away to try and calm her down, soon after they were approached by Georgie to join Shadow Heart. Despite Shiro’s protests, Manami accepted the offer, and Shiro followed suit. Her time with Shadow Heart has since been spent serving by Manami’s side, often dispatching people she deemed to be scum or people that Manami felt conflicted about, all while Manami was left unaware. She also dispatched anyone she deemed to be a threat to her mistress. Sometime during this, a mysterious girl approached her and Manami during one of their missions. Her name was Ethel, and she claimed to be Shiro’s sister. Initially laughing it off, it was only once Ethel persisted with following them on that claim did Shiro decide enough was enough and struck the girl down. Only, much to both their shocks, Ethel not only survived, but her wound was slowly fixing itself up, a fight soon ensuing between the two dark mages and Ethel’s companions, forcing Shiro and Manami to retreat. She would continue to be ‘hunted’ down by Ethel, much to her annoyance, having to go to great lengths to avoid the younger girl. It wasn’t until the GMG, when she was traveling beside Manami, that that conflict finally reached a boiling point. After having been dispatched by the Dragon Slayer, Hunter, she and Manami soon found themselves fighting against a fair chunk of the guild Phoenix Wing, along with Ethel who had hunted her down. After their capture and subsequent escape, she and Manami were captured once more by Ash and some Frenzy Plant mages. Upon their transfer into the custody of Dragon Fang, they were freed by Maxie Firestorm, only for Shiro to quickly realize he wasn’t here to free them; but to shut them up. In the ensuing battle, Manami was quickly overwhelmed, saved by Shiro’s quick thinking in getting to her mistresses side and going to Blink Away, but in the process she took a heavy hit to the face, going on to lose the use of her left eye though she pushed on through the pain to escape with Manami. She collapsed soon after they reached safety, only finding out the true extent of the damage she had taken when she woke up the next day. The duo then spent the next year on the rub from not only Shadow Heart, but the council and light guilds they encountered, even if they weren’t looking for them, they couldn’t afford a misstep. Eventually, their journey took them to the Silverbranch Glade, home to the witch coven that made up the majority of Wolven Pyre, where they have resided since. A few months ago, after having made contact with Priscilla and the coven, Manami and Shiro are currently ‘probationary’ members of the fledgling guild. Personality: To sum up Shiro in one word would simply be ‘blithe’. And that’s simply how the young lady acts, often giving people the cold shoulder if she’s ever approached, being fully capable of ignoring people for hours. Her most obvious trait however is her undying loyalty to Manami, doing whatever the older woman says to the point some people believe that Shiro simply lacks a mind of her own, incapable of action without Manami. While this is true to an extent, it is simply because she trusts Manami’s judgment and respects her dearly, doing the same to anyone else who earns her respect, though it’s no mean feat. She can be rather sharp-tongued and hostile at times, often showing disdain for other's actions, but that is simply her own way of showing concern. Though she speaks in a polite tone, her words and actions more often than not contrast it. With extended use of her magic, she becomes more erratic, short-tempered, and dangerous. Her mind becomes more and more deranged as the voices get louder. Guild and guild mark location: Wolven Pyre, blue and on her left shoulder Team Members: Manami Three Strengths: 1. Is trained in hand to hand combat, and can overpower those who would normally be stronger than the girl 2. A fantastic chief, having learned how to serve Manami better. In fact, just a great maid in general. 3. A fantastic poker face, making her hard to read Three Weaknesses: 1. Constant use of her magic can lead to undesirable circumstances 2. Half-blind, she only has use of one of her eyes 3. Manami Greatest Love: Serving Manami Motivation: To find answers about her past and to help Manami through her ‘slump’ Appearance: [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/372611323978186754/790907655094927390/0d1a5cb7d02368cbb67fb88fb2a96960.png[/img] Additional Details: Shiro has a severely disfigured left eye and has lost most of her vision in it, as such she tends to hide it out of sight behind not only her hair but also covers it with an eyepatch that has an animated insignia of a flowing river. She also owns one that has a flickering candle, a shining star, and a glowing full moon and will occasionally alternate between them. Shiro is 5’7 [/hider]