Goroth had various doubts as he approached this mysterious manor he was supposedly invited to. Like the fact that the letter just mysteriously appeared by him one morning, even though he should be in the middle of nowhere at the time, away from any inhabitants. And the fact that it promised pretty much everything that he himself had to work tirelessly for in the last 2 decades. For free as well apparently. It sounded too good to be true. But he also had to count the fact that it might not be [i]those[/i] humans who delivered the letter to him, given he wasn't where they were supposed to be. It had already been over 10 years since he escaped that wretched place. Surely they wouldn't exert that much effort just to find a single orc. Regardless, he was curious enough to go there. If it actually was a trap, then so be it. He's not afraid of a fight. Or death. Travels didn't take that long, as the orc was not afraid of any confrontation with any opposition, human or not, though he wasn't so arrogant to travel the main road in broad daylight. The greatsword hung on his waist while the guandao and the bag of tools and possessions firmly on his back as he gradually approached the manor. The sounds of chirping birds made it a lot less unsettling, but seeing that...whatever is curling up behind the cobblestone wall did. There were also various other creatures outside the manor as well, some of them human-like, but he knew some species just look like that. How envious he was of them, but that's just a fact of life. Regardless, it still wasn't enough to trust this place just yet. Goroth decided not to approach the manor until he knew what is going on. He instead turned straight for the creature hiding behind that cobblestone wall, if he could call it that. [color=green]"You."[/color] The orc, towering over the small faun, in his ironclad armor and weapons right in his hand's reach, pointed at her as he neared. [color=green]"The hell you up to? You part of this?"[/color] His voice was growly and mildly threatening, yet if the faun paid attention, she would notice the same letter she had crumbled in his other hand. [@Roundabout]