The sight of a shaking and bumbling faun would be a little funny if she hadn't been a faun. One of those creatures he viewed good when dead, since their meat was admittedly delicious, their furs made great coats and blanket, but after his departure from human settlement and became a wanderer, he gradually find less pleasure in the slaughter of these naturally cowardly creatures. Not even as warriors to warriors. So lucky for her, he had no intention of making her his snack. Given the letter she also showed him, this probably meant both of them were in on this offer, that they would live together in this manor, in peace, fending off humans if they show up. The orc too signed up for this deal, though more out of curiosity than anything, but that still meant he was bound to honor his end. What the actual purpose of this letter was also a matter of concern, though if he thought clearly about it, she probably is too much of a daisy to actually plan harm. [color=green]"Hmph. Artistic director."[/color] Goroth scoffed at the euphemism. If she meant being the boss that told him what to do, she'd be better off outright saying so. He had been a slave for almost a decade, then a mercenary to be bossed around for over one. He knew the hierarchy. [color=green]"If that's all you're good for, then so be it."[/color] Though he didn't have much intention on actually following her advice if she said anything. He wasn't going to snoop around looking dumb. He'd approach the manor directly. If these people had no intention of upholding their end of the deal, then he'd have the honor of having their head. And oh boy, someone was already down for the test. This skeleton, having clearly been under the earth for too long, with his rusted armor and battered targe, was observing Goroth from afar. The orc didn't need to look him in the eye to know he was tensed up. Every minor detail in his body screamed that. In turn, as the orc neared the skeleton and the group of creatures gathering outside the manor, his walking stance shifted from normal walk to a slow forward leg shuffling along the ground. His red eyes stared locked at where the skeleton's eyes would have been, while the letter was held out for everybody close by. [color=green]"Who's the mage who sent this?"[/color] He curtly asked, assuming they knew the details. [@Raditz][@Roundabout]