My views are rather strong, so I'm going to use 'stronger words', but please hear me out: I have a strong legal stance against abortion. I do not see it as being like say, pornography or adultery, but rather a crime against a human person, and not something a just society can simply tolerate. It's not quite as severe as the ancient Greek practice of killing unwanted infants, but it skirts much too close, I think, than what should be allowed. Now, there are some arguments presented by the pro-choice crowd that I feel need to be addressed: 1. Q: What if she can't afford the baby? A: Put it up for adoption. Sure, it might not be an ideal start for the child, but some chance is better than none. 2. Q: Pregnancy is hard on a woman's body! A: Abortion is harder on a child's body. For that matter, Abortion is also hard on a woman's body, but that's not really the point. 3. Q: What if the baby has a birth defect? A: Is it really fair to terminate a human life over a birth defect? 4. Q: What about rape? A: This is kind of a hard one, as getting impregnated by rape adds insult to injury. Unfortunately, I do not think that abortion is the answer. It's not the child's fault he or she was conceived by rape, and is no less a valuable human being for it. 5. Q: What if the mother's life is threatened by the baby? A: Alright, I do concede here. While killing a child to save its mother is...questionable, it's not exactly cold-blooded murder...especially if the child is going to die either way. As for my plans on how to deal with abortion, I believe these steps should be taken: 1. Remove any legal restrictions separating people from contraceptives. Some organizations will get angry at me for saying this, I don't think they have their priorities straight. 2. Have pro-life agencies (carefully) picket abortion clinics and offer women resources and alternatives to abortions. 3. Once society gets to the right place, begin placing certain restrictions on abortion, such as a 20-week limit, with certain exceptions (such as rape, birth defects, ect) to make them more palatable. 4. Once we've opened that door, and abortionists have began seeking other jobs, and there's a certain abundance of resources that render abortion less 'necessary', begin to chip away at the exceptions or the time limit. Slowly turn this into a complete ban. 5. If this is done correctly, underground abortion clinics will be a manageable threat. Send the coppers after them, reducing their numbers even further. 6. Invent methods to transplate, store, and artificially incubate fetuses, rendering abortion obsolete anyways.