[centre][h1][color=00a99d]Michael[/color][/h1][/centre] [color=00a99d]"That's bullshit."[/color] Michael didn't realise that he had spoken until the words were out of his mouth. He'd taken to his feet, and Moe leaned lightly against his side, his weight a soft comfort to him. He shifted, realising what he had done and he looked away, hands curling slightly against his sides, gripping the edge of his shirt. He had just drawn attention to himself- not something he really liked doing... why, why had he spoken out? Because it [i]was[/i] bullshit. The gods just seemed to get bored, wanted to play with them, but this... Michael sighed, [color=00a99d]"I.... I... I ap-puh-puh-p-"[/color] He couldn't get the words out, his stutter returning in full force. He closed his eyes, swallowing around a suddenly dry throat. [color=00a99d]"S-s-sorry."[/color] His voice was a whisper, but he managed to get that one word out. Could he just sink down into his chair once more, hide behind the rest of the crowd? No, it was too late for that. Michael cleared his throat- or tried to, and turned from his chair, glancing around at the others and tugged lightly on Moe's leash. His gaze moved to Niesha's, just at the bottom of the tower- he was certain for one moment she had a smile on her features before it was gone. Was she... did she approve of the words he'd shouted out, so hastily, without thought? Part of him thought she did. Moe kept his weight against him, and Michael dropped a hand to lay it on the dogs head as if that would give him strength.