[img=http://blog-imgs-43.fc2.com/o/n/a/onasoku777/001_017_51862.jpg] [img=http://static.tumblr.com/da72686bd1ea950bc55a71495bc5094e/zmdcbsz/bXLml1qo5/tumblr_static_tumblr_mg0bjskzp51rshnq3o1_500.png] [img=http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltvi34RDeL1qktqch.gif] [hider=Young Tabby] [img=http://images3.alphacoders.com/156/156159.jpg] [/hider] [hider=Her Soul] [img=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lylio9U4XJ1roubgto1_500.gif] [/hider] Full name: Tabitha Nyx Sullivan (Goes by Tabby) Age: 17 Gender: Female Spot: Daughter of Blair Classification: Meister/ Cat Demon Appearance: Tabby has medium length blonde wavy hair reaching down to about the middle of her abdomen(underneath her boobs :P). She has a very curvy build just like her mother and is often seen flaunting it again just like her mother. Tabby stands at 5'4" and weighs 115lbs. Personality: Tabby is a very kind girl who helps the best she can if anyone is in need. But just like her mother Tabby likes to have fun. She is seen as a bubbly, outgoing, very flirty girl. She doesn't care if others see her naked because well just like her mother, she can turn into a cat and whenever she is a cat she is naked so she is just used to it which is why her clothes are all very revealing. Tabby can get very mean and cold if you piss her off, it is easy for her to hold grudges since she has nine lives. She can be especially mean if you remind her of the fact that she doesn't have a father anymore. History: Tabby was born the daughter of Blair and a man named Blake Sullivan. Blake Sullivan was one of the meisters who helped create a death scythe. Unfortunately, he was killed by a witch holding a grudge on DWMA. Tabby wasn't even born at the time so she never got to know him. Blair had disappeared after his death, not telling anyone where she was going or that she was pregnant with Tabby. Tabby was raised not knowing anything about her mother's past until Blair had taught her magic and learned that not only was Tabby just like her but she was also a meister. So they returned to Death City when Tabby was 10 and she became friends with everyone. While also shocking all of the friends Blair had. But everyone soon learned that the next generation also had to deal with a Blair of their own. Theme Song: [youtube]i9XpLuUwFcU[/youtube] Other:-N/A-