Seraphina smiled to herself as all heads turned to look as she passed, some with looks of disbelief, jealousy and wanting, the women’s eyes on her gown and the men’s on herself. She wore the beautiful dress of her design, the many layers of black silk no heavier than a breath of wind and they rustled with a whispering sigh. Sparkling gems of onyx, black pears and polished ebony glittered all over her, amongst the faux silk feathers and hanging from the real feathered wings that were suspended from her shoulder blades. Her star spun hair was strung into long ringlets which were bedecked with black opal star-bursts and glossy black feathers. Upon her arms she wore long black gloves of fine lace and bound about her face was a most intricate mask, shaped like a black swan, its beak across her nose and a spray of real feathers fanning across its length. The final glory was the small crown made of gleaming onyx, it perched on her hairline, just above the mask so it seemed to be incorporated into one, a seamless line of graceful bird features crowned in glittering darkness. She walked alone, for once without a chaperone. Amongst a crowd of hidden faces she was granted anonymity, a luxury she was seldom afforded, although she was not truly anonymous as there were none here tonight in such finery or with such a detailed costume. Walking up the pathway her smile widened, she had even gone to the trouble of arriving at the front door, as if she was no more than a mere guest and not lady of the castle. Making her way serenely up the path way she watched as other couples fell back to make way for her, not only to gaze with near indecent incredulity on their faces but sure in the knowledge that only one of rank could have a gown as hers. Floating up the steps Seraphina made her way into the entrance way and along the corridor before the ball room. It was at the end of the hall that the master of ceremonies stood and announced each guest not by name as was custom but by costume. Seraphina stood next in line as he announced the Lady Fox and Lord Hound. She smiled as his eyes came to rest upon her and she could have sworn she was granted a rare smile from the grey haired, stern looking man, leaning forward for a moment she conversed her wishes to him and he nodded. Striking the ground with his staff all heads turned to see the next guest; his voice rang out clear and bright into the large ballroom. “May I present, the Swan Queen!” Seraphina sauntered into the room, riding the wave of his announcement and walking unhindered through the crowd to Baron De'Vance who was seated upon his chair greeting the guests as they presented themselves to him. Looking around the hall as she walked she was pleased to see it was as magnificent as she had environed, gleaming glass and crystal sparkles all around, candles shone brightly all around filling the hall with light and warmth, the musicians were playing perfectly, just enough to fill the small gaps between conversations. Then there were the people, they were a sight to behold, such colours swirled and mingled all around her like many dancing blossoms, creatures of dreams and nightmares alike prowled around, there stood gods and goddesses, fairies and angles and all in between. Some like Seraphina had gone to great lengths with their costumes and other were simple with a doublet of black and white and mask to match or cat ears and tail attached onto a brown dress. Moving as gracefully as a swan on water she glided through the parted crowded until she reached her father where he sat upon a chair elevated on the dais. As was typical Lord De'Vance’s outfit was near as stern as normal and only the extra rims and cuffs gave any indication that this was festive wear. She saw he held in his hand a mask on a spun pole, same as last year, the fierce countenance of the eagle was his chosen costume and it reflected him well Seraphina mused. She watched as he conversed quietly with Broadmere as she approached and was concerned by both their brooding expressions. Coming before them Lord De'Vance was interrupted from his musing by the head butler’s short throat clearing. Watching with amusement as he first turned to glare angrily at the man who had broken his train of thought and then his gaze fell upon Seraphina. She offered him her familiar smile as her violet eyes, as distinct as her hair, shone out from behind her plumage of black feathers. “The Swan Queen, my Lord.” The butler offered in introduction as Seraphina lowered herself into a graceful curtsey, skirts pooling around her like downy feathers, arms outstretched as a ballerina might pose. For that moment she did indeed look like a swan, gracefully bowing its head from amidst its plumage, wings outspread. And for that heartbeat all did seem to still as the light glimmered of the Swan Queen, as black as midnight she stood out amongst all the other bright colours in the room. In that moment Seraphina felt a sudden chill creep up her spine as though an intense gaze was boring into her, it was a fleeting moment and then it was gone, the held breathes were released, the candles flickered again and the gentle hum of chatter filled the hall once more. Giving herself a tiny shake that shook her magnificent wings Seraphina fought very hard to resist turning around, instead raising herself elegantly to stand at her full height once more. “My Lord, it is an honour.” She trilled to Lord De'Vance as if she was merely a lady presented to her Lord but her smile was genuine and warm but she waited to see how he would proceed.