[quote=Blitzkrieg] PsssshYou call that gear?A team pic, 2 years old: [/quote] We were doing a speedball tourny, the team I was part of had too many people for 1 team, and another group had too few. So we joined together to make a hybrid team. [img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/t1.0-9/269988_10150373636574951_1365441_n.jpg] 2011, Tippmann Challenge in Vancouver. I basically got a handful of cash the day before the game, so I threw shit on my bike, and half way to the ferries the night before, camped out in the woods. Caught the second ferry out the next morning, and got to the game a bit late, but better than never?