Here's my odd stance. Personally? I wouldn't want an abortion because I'm a fucking idiot, maybe more likely in a rape case, but I don't have that experience nor do I know anyone who has. Not my cup of tea. But pro-lifers I feel need to learn what the definition of pro-choice is (at least, to me): pregnant women should have the choice on whether or not they want an abortion, no matter the circumstance. They can make the choice to not have an abortion, especially if they do think it's a life. You still get that choice, you made that choice. Good for you. America was built on freedom, and therefore we should have the freedom to make our own choices without government intervention and telling me what I can and can't do with my body. I also don't want other Americans telling me what I can and can't do with my body. There was a law that went into effect today in Michigan, the rape insurance law, that was pushed through by a group of religious zealots who couldn't get the law through in the normal system, so they went through the legal loopholes. The entirety of Michigan now has to pay to have abortion covered in their insurance plan, even if it's cases like rape or incest or woman's health, because a group that represents about 4% of the population forced their beliefs on them. That's not fair to anyone. Also, I agree with Jorick on the brain thing. Once I feel like this is not some little cell sitting in my womb, I can feel movement, hear a heartbeat, know it's a baby is when I won't do it. I would agree to a cap on what week you can do it by. I don't know much about pregnancy, so I'm not the right person to ask when that should be.