[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210119/e22bd06ad7c8eb71800663bf01cd8627.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr] There was a [i]crash[/i] as the door to the faction hall was flung open and a titaness of a woman in heavy blue and brown armor clomped loudly into the open doorway, a grin on her face. She spat out a strand of white hair, leaning casually up against the jamb. "[color=d1fffc]Yo! Who's here? What faces in this crowd do I know?[/color]" As she panned her head around the room, her grin grew even wider as she caught sight of a familiar readhead who sat at a table with someone who Alja knew she'd seen before, but couldn't quite place. Pausing only to grab a tankard full of some kind of ale from the bartop, she threw herself down uninvited into a chair at the same table, slinging her knees over the armrest and lounging back. "[color=d1fffc]Ay, it's Rael! Looks like Aaginim's pulling out all the stops if he's bringing you in on a raid team![/color]" She took a long pull from the beer, then none-too-gently dropped it back down and wiped the foam from her lips and chin. She paused for a moment before continuing. "[color=d1fffc]Wow, slots for a raid team this large for one dungeon? Lotta people here.[/color]" she swept her long arm around. "[color=d1fffc]You and Aaginim are supposed to be able to solo floors or something--and I'm not half-bad at this dungeon thing either. We must be up some kinda creek, huh? This dungeon must really be somethin' else.[/color]" She twitched her fingers. Fog coalesced on her gauntleted hand, then solidified into a thin shell of ice. She promptly knocked her armored fists together until the ice fell off in chunks, which she scooped into her drink (only half of it left at this point). Sure, the shards'd disappear back to mist and magic in a couple seconds, but hey, any chill was better than the lukewarm that the drink had been. SHe took another drink, smacking her lips appreciatively at how much colder it was. "[color=d1fffc]Looking forward to workin' with you again, though.[/color]" Another draught of ale. "[color=d1fffc]Sure, you drive me nuts sometimes, but you damn sure know your stuff. Nothin' better than slappin' some Tundra Glass on that spear of yours and watching you go![/color]" She punctuated the remark with a loud laugh, pulling herself into an upright position, more or less using the chair how it was meant. She leaned her head back into her hands, then turned to the man at the table and snapped her fingers--or at least made the motion, since gauntlets didn't snap well and she seldom removed hers--in an exaggerated show of attempted recollection. "[color=d1fffc]Know I've seen you somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can place. If ya don't remember me, name's Alja Frostguard.[/color]" She grabbed Glacier Chain up from the floor where she's put it along with her backpack, tossing it casually over her shoulder and letting it rest there."[color=d1fffc]Think I could grab yours, jog my memory some?[/color]"