[quote=Rose Hathaway] But pro-lifers I feel need to learn what the definition of pro-choice is (at least, to me): pregnant women should have the choice on whether or not they want an abortion, no matter the circumstance. [/quote] I think that really is the definitive point. Not all Pro-Lifers want absolutely no abortion, some just want a little restriction (ie. Stopping an abortion simply because a couple forgot to wear a condom and doesn't want a baby yet). There are a lot of grey areas around the topic in general, but complete choice is something that you either agree with or you don't. In an ideal world, everyone would have complete choice but no-one would choose to have an abortion (circumstances permitting). Personally, as I said before I simply believe there are much better alternatives. The question I would like to ask someone considering abortion (although I never would because of how inappropriate it would be) is: Do you want an abortion because you don't want the baby to live or because you don't want to go through the pain? I know its a very aggressive and upsetting question, but I think it is interesting.