[img] https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/scale_medium/10/100680/1824287-elminster_rom.jpg [/img] An old man approaches the newly formed party, ""I've been expecting you, come and sit by the fire, rest and I will tell you, why you were summoned here." "First and foremost, I am called Zandor, and I too was once a young adventurer like yourselves." Zandor pulls his pipe out and begins to puff on it, bringing life to it. "Old gnome magic, I am amazed it still works." "There is a great evil coming to destroy our realm, and only you can prevent it." The old man sighs, " Unfortunately, I am too weak to aid you in this perilous journey, all I can offer you is map to Galifundal's lair." "Pardon the interruption Zandor, but I too will be aiding them on this journey." said a cloaked man. The stranger removed his hood,revealing an elven face. "My friend, Athar, Have the council brought you in on this?" exclaimed Zandor. "Aye, they thought it best, if I tagged along."replied Athar. "Please, carry on with the story." said the elf has he took an empty seat at the table. "Where was I....ahhh yes, he is a powerful necromancer who plans to open the gates of Hell and unleash evil darkness across the realm." "Your first quest shall be a stronghold held by goblins and orcs, we believe one of the chief orcs may be in league with Galifundal." Athar will guide you , after all, he is best suited in tracking down these creatures. Athar takes over the conversation, "one of our scouts were able to draw us a detailed drawing of the stronghold." [hider= Stronghold][img] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/64/3c/d3/643cd35c1ae3fc07279d8c14f3a3e812--access-control-dark-ages.jpg [/img][/hider] The Elf and the party study the drawing, "I would say it was built by someone else,the Orcs and Gooblins more than likely took it over." The old man takes a sip of his ale and another puff from his pipe, "Any questions?"