[center][URL=http://s362.photobucket.com/user/NMShape/media/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png.html][IMG]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-20083190_zpse3c42fc5.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] [quote=Raptorman] Before the figure in white and gold armor could actually strike down Albrecht Macros the motion had been abruptly halted and the plasma rifle was raised, pointed and fired at what appeared to be a distant speck in the sky that was rapidly growing larger. With casual dismissal as soon as the shot was fired the assailant took a final step and brought the blade up to swing and decapitate the captain of industry.But before the blade could be brought down a crash came as the former speck in the sky slammed down to earth behind the white and gold armored figure. It spun, displaying impressive and honed combat reflexes and the sword strike that would have decapitated Macros now slammed right into the side of the blue and silver clad man’s neck. There was a faint sizzle but no more as the blade was simply stopped and did not cut through as expected.But the attacker showed no hesitation and the plasma rifle was discharged several times in rapid succession, hammering the interfering hero at Point Blanc range as the malmetal armor of the attacker simply shed the energy. Even as the shots were fired the white and gold figure jumped up and using the hero as a springboard catapulted backwards flipping in the air while holstering the gun and dropping a silver egg shaped object towards the ground. Just as the figure landed the silver egg would explode, unleashing an eruption of hard light shards that would theoretically kill both Macros as the hero as they were both well in the blast radius. [/quote] The attacker pointed some sort of rifle at Icon and began firing, jumping up onto him and spring boarding off of him in a back flip, and in one motion the attacker holstered his weapon and dropped a silver egg shaped device to the ground. Icon quickly recovered from the blasts, and noted that the device that the attacker had dropped had a small red flashing light near the tip of it, confirmed his fear that it was an explosive device of some sort. He quickly moved toward the device, picking it up, and turning away from Macros, cupped it in his hands and held it tightly against his chest. The device detonated, sending Icon crashing through the podium that had been used for the press conference, reducing it to splinters. His tactic had worked, he had absorbed the full impact of the blast, sparing Macros from the deadly explosion. He lay on the ground, momentarily stunned by the blast, however, once he had cleared the cobwebs which had resulted from the unexpectedly powerful blast, he got back to his feet and prepared for the next assault.