[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201123/117f24ebf11c0a01c648eeafeb796351.png[/img][/center][hr] Slighted again. The Goddess truly did see fit to keep Auberon separated from his housemates until dinner. Probably for the best; if he had to repeat the exact same introduction to separate people over and over again any more today he'd likely consider throwing himself off the monastery wall. On the upside, Kellen rushing off with some student Auberon didn't recognize meant the boy was at least making friends, so perhaps he'd misjudged how much of a complete wreck the Fraldarius was. A weird phobia of public speaking was far more manageable than... whatever it's called when someone consistently sticks their foot in their mouth during every interaction. With all of the other Lions unaccounted for, the boy had little else to do but wander. He'd seen most of Garreg Mach's facilities only in passing, and while quite a bit of it didn't particularly interest him, familiarity with the campus was essential. Especially since he was evidently an authority among the student body now, for whatever reason the Archbishop had in doing so. He really should've asked while he had His Holiness' attention. He had heard rumors of a sauna on the grounds, which was probably the closest thing to a guilty pleasure Auberon could see himself indulging in during his time at the school. The bathhouses in County Galatea were positively divine in the winter months, if only because soaking in one was the only opportunity he had to feel his toes for a bit. It might not have been [i]that[/i] cold this far south, but they were still atop an impressive mountain and the monastery was hardly a sunlit shore in Brigid. Auberon's tour of the grounds ended at the dorms, and he'd only just opened his first trunk when the dinner bell rang to interrupt him. Well, there went any hope of getting his things put away tonight. He'd probably get roped into attending the Leicesters' party, if only because social convention demands he make an appearance, and he definitely couldn't afford to blow through his dinner and quickly retreat back to his dorm now that he had a guarantee his housemates would finally be assembled outside the classroom for once. After all that, it would probably be time for bed, and then he'd have classes to contend with the next day. For a day full of what felt like nothing, he really was still behind. Such thoughts brought him petty pride and fear for Fódlan's future in equal measure, given that he was evidently one of the more responsible students in attendance. Oh well, Enbarr wasn't built in a day, as it were. The dining hall certainly exceeded his expectations, even under the assumption the first day warranted a grand feast to welcome the incoming students. If they were going to eat like this every night, Auberon would have to consider pleading with Ioannis to let him join the clergy at Garreg Mach, should his claim to Countship ever be successfully contested. Fish seemed to be the theme of the night, which was hardly the boy's favorite - he considered it too much of a commoner's meat to enjoy on special occasions - but the aroma wafting off whatever sauce they'd covered one of the dishes in was too enticing to ignore. Though, as famished as he was, the food wasn't truly his objective. The party would likely have some manner of snacks, provided Jorah and his partner in crime that proposed the event weren't already hated by the culinary staff, and stuffing his face would be a convenient excuse to not participate in any of their 'Leicester hospitality' that was doubtlessly asinine and embarrassing for all involved parties. Once Auberon had finished questioning the mystery sauce on his plate with his eyes - unfortunately, it revealed none of its tasty secrets to him at a glance - he turned his gaze across the room until he caught sight of the other Lions. And what a sight they were; Kellen looked like he'd gotten his horribly-tailored sleeves confused for his napkin - Goddess above, the boy really needed to get that fixed soon. Lienna was using the wrong fork, and she hadn't thought to rearrange the other silverware to even [i]attempt[/i] to cover up the glaring hole in her place setting. Then again, Auberon shouldn't have been surprised; from what he'd heard, peasants barely even used forks; when their hands failed them, they were content with wooden spoons and chopping meat using the same filthy daggers they cut everything else with of all things. For once, he was actually thankful for the Golden Deer's existence - they'd make his house look more refined by comparison. [color=ffd700]"Lord Fraldarius. Miss Orhneaht. Derec."[/color] He greeted them each in turn with a nod of his head as he approached, opting for a more formal approach with the duo he hadn't properly acquainted himself with yet, [color=ffd700]"Might I say you are all very difficult people to get ahold of."[/color] Auberon lowered himself into a seat across from Lienna, unable to stop himself from eyeballing the hole where her dessert fork had been. He reached for his dinner fork in an exaggeratedly slow manner; hopefully she'd take the hint and he wouldn't have to start a degrading lecture on etiquette the next time they ate together. The blond blinked a few times and refocused on the food in front of him. Nitpicking a serf on their eating habits would last him all night; it wasn't productive. [color=ffd700]"I hope you're all settling in well,"[/color] Auberon added politely. He was eager to talk to them, but more pressingly, he was hungry, and it wouldn't do to constantly hold up the conversation while he was chewing. Lazy platitudes was the safest course to start with, even if he was evidently dining with a pack of animals. [hr][@Obscene Symphony][@Hero][@ThatCharacter] [center][img]https://fireemblemwiki.org/w/images/thumb/0/07/FETH_Crest_of_Daphnel.png/60px-FETH_Crest_of_Daphnel.png[/img][/center]