[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201215/20568753498ac3b3b49c987d41c9e528.png[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] Of course, Kayden had gotten a bit ahead of himself. It wouldn't do it let an injured man of his to not be tended, so he began with... [color=4851AA]"But that's for tonight, let's get that bump looked at. It's probably a small thing to do but I can't have one of the eagles harmed after day one."[/color] The Prince led Val to the clinic without delay, secretly hoping he'd find the extremely cute Kaira there, but once they arrived he realized he needed to actually put his luggage up, and he was irked to no end. [color=4851AA]"Ok, let me go and finish some things up on my end, and I'll come back to get you as soon as I am able."[/color] He told Valerian, and he all but jogged off to grab his things. He should have remembered he first needed to make his way to his room with his veritable mountain of luggage. He had only wanted to bring a few things, but his father and the noble steward insisted on him being fully prepared for living on his own, and so it was chalk full of anything that vaguely looked like toiletries and clothing along with various sacks of coins and survival equipment for whatever journeys he would take, be it going home or on an expedition lead by Garreg Mach. He set down his two suitcases in his room and looked at the place. It was somewhat spartan compared to his palace rooms, but he found it very accommodating. A comfortable, albeit plain bed with oaken furniture carved meticulously in various symbols that bespoke of Garreg Mach's storied history. The floor had a red carpet that extended just a few feet from the base of the stone wall, and the window overlooked a beautiful scene of the mountains in the distance. Truthfully this and the privvy was all he really needed to feel at home, so he began to pack his things into the myriad of drawers, singing in breathy tones an old ballad he enjoyed from back home as he did so. Minutes stretched and it was merely an hour before he got everything situation, the sun in the distance having lowered considerably. The party would probably start shortly, but not so soon as to keep him from doing a few other chores...if he had any. Suddenly his stomach growled, and he realized he hadn't eaten since the duel. Perhaps he had some time to go and find himself some dinner. Maybe find a pretty girl to sit next to and flirt with. Then the chime rang audibly across the 'campus' and he recalled he had promised Val he would go and check on him at the clinic. Poor man likely hadn't eaten either, and reluctantly he decided to push off his flirtatious desires for later. [color=4851AA]"You don't need to break some hearts the first day. Stop it."[/color] He muttered to himself, his hair now combed and a new, immaculate jacket and vest adorned on him with matching colors of black and purple. Truthfully, he wasn't often that focused on the fairer sex, but it had been a long journey from his kingdom, sleeping on the ground and under the stars with naught but smelly soldiers or overbearing knights around him. A few friends and a date to wrap the day up would go nicely if he were home, but he wasn't. [i]Keep your game face on[/i], he thought. This is a war in a different playing field, even if it's fought with academia and won for favor. Knocking on the clinic door, he poked his head in. [color=4851AA]"Val? You ok?"[/color] He called in. [color=4851AA]"That was dinner. Let's go grab something to eat."[/color]