[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmRmNGQxMS5RMnhoY21semMyRWdkbTl1SUVWa2JYVnVaQSwsLjAA/allegratta-personal-use.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [sub][right][@Obscene Symphony][/right][/sub] Clarissa savored the dish thoroughly, pausing between bites to survey the steadily filling room. Once upon a time, she’d have scoffed at such a past time and waved it off as a waste of time but as she claimed more responsibility in her family’s affairs, she discovered something even more wasteful: merchants. Their pleasantries and platitudes positively infuriated her in their insincerity, poorly crafted facades to curry favor with her father, and after numerous public disagreements―how they found so many empty arguments for special tax status astounded her. One man had the audacity to submit a 37 page testament meticulously detailing why he could ignore the harbor tax on imported goods and then changed his tune shortly after walking into the chamber Clarissa summoned him to. To this day, she still didn’t understand why he’d done it―her father demanded she keep her tongue civil. In lieu of civility, she chose silence and her attention naturally gravitated to more interesting affairs. Usually the retainers of whoever they were hosting that day, she soon found the behavior of their servants and retainers spoke volumes of the character of their employers. Now, she found herself enjoying people watching. It certainly was telling how people assembled themselves. The Blue Lions took advantage of the new situation. No way to escape a meal you’d just sat down at without stumbling over your own tongue and insulting someone. Lienna blew away Auberon’s earlier assumptions she’d been avoiding them. She sat down across Derec on her own accord and certainly made a fair attempt at seeming proper. Clarissa giggled at her choice of silverware but after her brief interaction with her earlier, she knew Lienna was doing her best to fit in. Kellen, the mousey man, on the other hand seemed far more eager to keep to himself but managed to force himself to interact with the others. Good for him. Hopefully, Auberon would manage to take him out of his shell but honestly, she was under the distinct impression that Kellen’s nervousness left Auberon feeling awkward and unsure of how to proceed. The leader of the Blue Lions certainly had a challenging group on his hands but she felt confident he’d find a way to bring them all together. Of course, she ought to have taken a page out of Auberon’s book and brought the Deer together for a bonding moment of their own but she believed that may be more damaging than productive. Jorah proved a natural magnet for attention, charming and charismatic in all the wrong ways, and the disaster trio would feed off each other, overshadowing Isolde almost immediately. She was a quiet thing, mousey after the disaster that was her family’s disgrace, and Clarissa wasn’t confident that surrounding her with loud, energetic personalities would be an effective way to get her to open up to them. It was a bit of a headache, with Raimund already dashing her hopes to separate them and bond with them individually, but she’d find a way to make it work. A body flopping into the seat across from her and literally inhaling his food broke her out of her contemplation. She covered her mouth as she laughed at Jorah digging into his meal with all the gusto of her father’s hounds after a full day’s hunt. His portions were certainly as expected, enough to make you think he was starved back home, but it never failed to amaze her. Clarissa was certain Jorah had hollow bones and that’s where he stored his extra servings because they never showed anywhere else. [color=FF650E]“Jorah, my father’s hounds practice better table manners than you. Take a moment and enjoy your food. You’ll make yourself sick scarfing your food down like that.”[/color] Clarissa laughed before taking a reasonable sized bite of her own meal. [color=FF650E]“I think the only word that could describe that experience is divine. The Cathedral was beautiful and there was a serenity in there that made me never want to leave, like everything would be alright as long I just lingered as long as I could. The Archbishop’s sermon motivated and inspired me in equal parts. I think you’d find it an agreeable experience, even just once.”[/color] Clarissa sighed happily at the memory. [color=FF650E]“Of course, I jumped at the opportunity to speak with the Archbishop and I’m glad I did. I left our Unit meeting with no small amount of trepidation. Professor Roland’s explanation of the reasonings and processes left a great deal of questions in its wake but Archbishop Ioannis cleared it up without hesitation. A break from Alliance politics will clearly do me good; I seem to be looking for meaning in every shadow of every candle.”[/color] Clarissa admitted ruefully. It was going to be a difficult lesson and one she feared would dull her senses when she finally did go back home. [color=FF650E]“Auberon joined us. He seems capable of performing his duties, a serious and focused head on his shoulders. His opinion of you is still malleable, he only made a specific mention of your natural informality, but the crown prince earned his immediate approval. Other than that, the Archbishop, Auberon, and I have plans for tea one evening. I hope it can be a more regular affair honestly; not only to make connections but it’ll be nice to have a solid routine I’m familiar with here.”[/color] Clarissa took a moment to look over her friend and quirked a brow at the not so strange markings on his face. She remembered Jorah mentioning something about them invoking strange spirits but she couldn’t quite remember exactly which each one meant. [color=FF650E]“I see you managed to smuggle out your paints. I’m surprised the Duke didn’t turn each of your luggage cases upside down and inside out to make sure you didn’t bring any nonsense with you. I take it that means you managed to sneak out your favorite lute? I hope it’s making an appearance tonight. While I may not care for some of your more colorful additions to your repertoire, I can’t deny you do have a way with the strings and I’d love to hear you play again.”[/color]