[center][h2][color=6ecff6]I R I S[/color][/h2][/center] [i][color=B6C6AB]*That's it. Archer's dead, or something. I can't find any of you and I'm done trying. Maybe you're dead, too. Worst training exercise ever. I'm telling the council you all suck.*[/color][/i] Despite the whirlwind pace of events and the weight of Fluke's words, Iris almost wanted to smile despite herself. The scatterbrained little trainee hadn't bothered Iris as much as he'd seemed to bother some of the others, and his ornery personality remaining relatively unchanged was a comfort at the moment. She'd almost jolted out of her skin - and worse, lost sight of her trajectory on her glider - at the explosion when it had gone off, but her prey had barely even registered that there was an incident. They'd spared only a fleeting look before dipping in the direction of the hospital; Iris remained in pursuit, but... [color=6ecff6][i]Archer's dead? And the others...?[/i][/color] But she'd just seen... [color=6ecff6][i]"Don't go badmouthing me, Fluke,"[/i][/color] she complained in his ear. [i][color=6ecff6]"I'm doing my best here, following the people we think dumped that corpse in the alley. Pretty sure they're the ones that have been leaving the trail of burning buildings too, those rude asses...they had this...never mind."[/color][/i] Cedar's reaction to the ring was still in the back of her head. Best to not bring it up. [color=6ecff6][i]"I was just with Cedar back in the alleys. What happened to Archer? Should we regroup?"[/i][/color] She hated abandoning the chase right now, but if the others needed a big girl on demand, then Iris would have to be there. On the other hand, she could still see right where they'd entered the hospital... So while that avenue was still available to her, and she waited for Fluke's usual retort, she kept straight on.