[quote=mdk] This is the part of the 'debate' that I despise. The word games. Look, if the only way you can make sense of things is to call it a 'parasite,' or to call it 'subjugation,' you're not really giving yourself a fair shake. [/quote] I have to agree. Pro-Life people are far from innocent with the abortion clinic bombings, contraceptive banning and all that. (Thankfully me and others as this thread has shown are not doing those things). But the Pro-Choice also has faults in that often I've them have to resort to demeaning the child inside, or anyone of an opposing view. With arguments such as -"The child is just a parasite" -"You are sexist if you are against abortion" -"You are against freedom if you are against abortion" <--- Will get back to this one Both side's have fault's, so when this topic is debated let's debate it like civil adults and not resort to attacks, generalizations or name calling. --------------------------- As for the "Against a mothers freedom to choose" argument I've seen above. Technically yes, it is. But we have other laws also against some freedoms. It's illegal to kill, rape, steal etc. We do not give people the free will do these acts cause we as a society deemed it immoral and harmful to society. I am not defending people who commit these crimes at all. But in a case of murder, theft, rape no matter how you handle it, 100% of the time someone is losing their freewill. Just that it can be either the victim, or the person committing it. We as society have chosen to take the freewill away from who wants to commit the crime. When it comes to pro-life or pro-choice there isn't an exception either. There will clearly be the removal of free-will from one side or the other, that will never change until we find the means to grow a newly developed fetus at the moment of conception outside of the womb. Until we reach the scientific point, we either must remove the freewill from the mother or the child, but one of the two will lose their freewill in this area in the end.