[b]ODS Kunbato: Sarkazjhit Diplomacy[/b] "...Let's" was all Admiral Dunom had said. Taking note of the soldier's...remark, Dunom turned to one the Lieutenant Lep. "Make sure that wasn't sent the to the Trinity" he ordered. "Too late sir..." replied the lieutenant. Dunom swore under his breah and led his lep soldiers and the sarkazjhits to an assembly room. The room had a window stretching across the right corner, showing perfectly the planet the station resided by, and the sun's beams illuminating the room. Lep soldiers were flanked by Grozz teams as the group entered the room. Dunom sat at the end of the table by the window, and lep soldiers stood at attention on the right side. Behind him stood a handful of Grozz soldiers. Once his Haches were seated, he said "Alright, let's talk, friends. How have you been doing? We haven't been in contact with your race in almost a decade"