Gammaton Zero stirred at the base of her host's neck, the parasitic network of nerves flaring into activity. [color=a187be]"Oya, oya?"[/color] Gammaton commented, speaking through the host's smooth, deep male voice and shaking the dust and debris off. Though she was disoriented, as if waking from a dream, Gammaton retained her composure and poise; GrillBears was a bit of a nervous wreck and had created Gammaton to be reliable and calm. Gammaton's first thought was that Infactorium had been attacked, however there should be warnings in place, were that the case. A moment of waiting with no further disruptions, and Gammaton set to commanding the workers to begin triaging Hivehill; repair what could quickly be fixed, discard that which was beyond help, and save for later what was salvageable but too costly to deal with at the moment, in an effort to bring order and stability back to Hivehill. Fortunately, the moving of heavy objects were the ants' forte, and it wasn't long before Hivehill recovered some semblance of organization. Gammaton suddenly received a signal. of course. Damage of this magnitude needed to be discussed, and Gammaton made her way to Hivehill's exit...which happened to be obstructed by a particularly large and stubborn piece of debris, which the ants, in their stupidity, failed to prioritize. Gammaton ordered the workers to focus their efforts on moving or destroying the obstruction. Unfortunately, it was slow-going, and Gammaton considered destroying it herself, but her current form wasn't her most powerful, and she didn't quite feel that this was a good time to transform just yet. The workers suddenly backed off from the debris, their senses picking up the presence of extremely powerful chemicals. Before long, a hole was burned through the debris, revealing the form of the dragon hybrid, Levia Vishap. [color=a187be]"Ah, Levia. Always a pleasure,"[/color] Gammaton greeted, offering a mild bow, [color=a187be]"Thank you for clearing that particularly stubborn piece from my entrance. Though I assume that the reason you are here instead of at the meeting is because my presence is urgently required?"[/color] Without waiting for a response, Gammaton acted on her assumption, and went over to Levia's side, walking at a brisk pace towards Faetalis' office.