"So, you see Doc, all it takes is a little twist with the knife, and the center skull piece just pops right off! With the subject still alive, you can then poke the brain for all manner of-" "That's enough, Wanderer. I think I'm going to be sick. Besides, we should get ready for any escapees, right?" Doc had heard enough, and could taste the bile trickling up his throat. Gardosii was certainly gifted on torturing people, that's for sure. The two sat in silence for a bit, as the large alien lit another smoke, and wondered how the others were fairing. It was difficult to tell, as they were told to keep quiet until told otherwise. That's when the alarm sounded. Gardosii jumped to his feet, and got into contact with Guardian Angel. "By the Huntress, what the hell is going on!? We didn't even get warning- Oh, I see. Well, we're ready to go, just let us know when they're close. Wanderer out." Readying his chain gun, Gardosii turned to Doc, and smiled. "It appears we have company. Prepare for combat, brother, and show them no mercy! And remember, if you catch any alive, you can use that little knife trick I taught you!" He laughed, voice booming through the garage, as they both jumped behind their barricade and readied their weapons. The hunt was reaching it;s end, and they got the most glorious kill of them all: An enemy near defeat and humiliated. Gardosii could hardly contain his excitement, he was already spinning up his gun.