Zaria remained nervous and jumpy. She'd seen enough tv matches to know that getting a few hits in didn't mean winning a match. But if Magnet could keep this up, then... Images of the class applauding her and the shiny TM prize in her hands floated into her head. How exciting would that be? And that would surely prove her father wrong for doubting her. [color=lavender][i]I could be a legend if I win this![/i][/color] Maybe then she would become as popular as the students they'd seen earlier. People would be begging her to battle them! [color=lavender]"You and Rocky are pretty tough, Tim, but we can't back down! Keep it up Magnet, and Thundershock again!"[/color] Perhaps she sounded like a broken record, but Magnet only had a few moves he knew so far, and they were lucky they had a single move that could actually damage a Rock type. "Maaag." He charged up again once more, swiveling his single eye around a few times before settling on the target and letting loose a wave of electricity Tim slapped his face with his hand. Of course the paralysis would come back to bite him. Essentially, giving Magnet a free hit. For a moment, Tim actually had hope that he could actually win this battle. That hope went out the window with that last attack. At this point, there really that many options left. [color=deepskyblue]“Oh.. um.. thanks...[/color] Tim mumbled while shuffling his feet. Not really knowing what else to say. Rocky only had one move that could deal damage. [color=deepskyblue]“Rocky go in for another Tackle!”[/color] Rocky barked, and then charged ahead.