[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/sb7ST5ti-pLvFWBYwNgRAqY362D5qHApi4X7gZ0ioKc/https/txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLmYxNmQ0Yy5RWFpsY25rZ1YyRnphR2x1WjNSdmJnLjA/wildy-sans.regular.png[/img][/center] On a Greyhound bus driving into Gravity Falls, Avery stared out the window at the steadily approaching town. They had been waiting to start their study here for [i]months[/i], and they were finally getting their first real glimpse of the town! It looked smaller and more normal than they had envisioned it, but that was fine. Smaller towns were generally weirder, and thus, more interesting. Excitement thrummed through them, although it was tampered down by fatigue. [i]God[/i], were they tired. Their red-eye flight from Detroit to Portland had taken eight hours, and they hadn’t been able to get a wink of sleep. Once or twice they had come close to sleep. However, they were then rudely awakened by a screaming toddler in the seat behind them. After getting off the plane, they had immediately boarded the bus and settled in for a two-hour drive. However, as their destination approached, sleep had become even less likely. For the last hour or so, Avery had been idly scrolling through Oregon-related conspiracy theory and urban legend blogs, journals, and forums, barely able to keep their eyes open. But the sight of Gravity Falls made Avery feel awake. When the bus came to a stop, they gathered up all their luggage out from underneath them (two suitcases and a duffel bag- they had way too many collared shirts) and shimmied their way off the bus. They took a breath of the fresh, warm summer air, and sighed deeply, satisfied. This was going to be so interesting! First stop, though- hotel. Just then, their stomach made a horrendous gurgling noise. [color=Coral][i]No. First stop, breakfast.[/i][/color] But that just meant they had to find a restaurant open at 8 AM. They glanced around at their surroundings for a moment, and then reluctantly dug around in their pocket for a phone. Looks like they’d need Google Maps for this one. They were just typing in the password to their phone when they started to hear the beginnings of a conversation. Or rather… just a kid talking to himself about motels and food? Strange. They swiveled around, only to see the aforementioned teenager talking to a young woman who appeared to be writing something down. [color=Coral][i]Oh. That makes more sense.[/i][/color] If they were going to a diner and then to the motel, well… wouldn’t it be in Avery’s best interest to follow? Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. The girl seemed to be a local based on the one-sided conversation they were hearing. Maybe Avery could talk to her? It wasn’t like they were stalking children or anything. No, just following them to the diner. So Avery conspicuously followed Amelia and Ludwig to the diner, trying not to eavesdrop as hard as they could. It wasn't too hard, considering one of the pair wasn't talking and the other was only responding every once in a while. Once they got to the diner they entered behind the two teenagers and took a seat at the bar. Not really a bar. Front table? Front desk. Diners were weird. They signaled over the waitress. [color=Coral]“Can I have a cup of coffee, two cream, three sugars? Oh, and… the Hungry Man’s Special. Please. I am [i]starving[/i].”[/color] Avery smiled up at the waitress like a dear, and she took their order and the menu and walked away. Now, Avery was waiting for their order. They whistled quietly and examined the diner. It was rustic-looking- like, [i]real[/i] rustic, not trendy hipster rustic. That was refreshing. And the food looked… very true to its name. Hopefully, there was a healthier restaurant in his town. Maybe following two teenagers to food wasn’t the best idea. They weren’t exactly known for prioritizing their cholesterol. Or their skin. Now that they were sitting idly, though, Avery didn’t exactly know what to do. They could pull out a book, but they were here, finally, and they were gonna waste time researching from tertiary sources when they could research from a primary source? Hell no! A bit of nervousness nettled them, but they dug around in their duffel for a moment and produced a sign that they had pre-made for this sort of occasion specifically. [b]‘Talk to me about urban legends! I’ll give you $15!’[/b] They put it down on the countertop and waited, antsy. One never knew how this sort of thing would go.