[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/60169326-d55e-4adf-8f6d-dfd795abf6f2.png[/img][/center][hr] Max rolled over in his bed and turned an unamused glare toward the door as Eris started... singing? It sounded like it could've been a song, at least. Luckily for the vampire, he was already awake and didn't need to start throwing things at Eris for waking him up, but he'd planned to lay there and do nothing for at least another twenty minutes. The mage sat up, pulling the blanket up with him rather than risk having to watch Eris eyeball his figure. It was cold in there anyway, and he doubted Eris even knew how to turn on a heater, let alone find the motivation to do it. Which naturally meant it was even colder outside, which was another reason to [i]not[/i] step out of bed today. Maybe he could pretend to be sick. Eris was an idiot when it came to the mortal condition, he'd be easy to fool, but - no, he'd have to show up for the first day of the semester, if for no other reason than to gauge the wackjobs the academy calls professors. Something looked off about the leech today and Max wasn't sure what. Maybe he really did get replaced with a Sinnenodel body double - it would explain the weird cheeriness, though Max was all but certain Eris was just getting his kicks from bothering him with the little display. He probably didn't meet his attention quota last week because Ismene was mad at him, poor thing. Max was less amused that the dog even teamed up against him - he figured it was just whining for food or something. Traitorous rat. [color=8585ad]"Don't audition for any musicals anytime soon,"[/color] He grumbled, punctuating the statement with a yawn. The brunette reached for his phone to dismiss all the pointless notifications that popped up overnight rather than deign to give Eris his full attention, [color=8585ad]"You're in a good mood. You must want something."[/color] It was tempting to throw in a jab about married life treating him well, but Eris would have an easy out of that argument with class starting so soon, and Max really didn't want to discuss Eris' sexual escapades in his bedroom of all places. Plus he'd promised to hold off on that or whatever. Stupid plan. Whatever, he could put it off until Eris gave him his first extracurricular assignment about Varis. Judging by the entrance, it was just as likely Eris had a task for him at that very instant as it was he simply wanted something to entertain himself. Couldn't he just go do his hair or something equally pointless like he usually did in the morning? [hr][@Hero]