[b]Jessalyn - Railroad Tracks - Jack, Tom[/b] The sound of more gunshots made Jess worry. Lynn had been gone for a long time. What if she was in trouble? She stood up and went to the car to get her lead pipe. One end was a sharp point. "I need to go and find my friend. She has been gone for too long. I'm worried about her," she told Jack and Tom. "There is a man in the city by the name of Tyler. He is the leader of a group of raiders. If he finds her... I can't let him find her," she finished, not sure of how much to tell them. Jess looked down at her stomach, then at the doctor. "I don't want to put my baby in danger, but Lynn is my friend. No, she is my family now. If I lose her, I'll have no one. Not even my baby's father cared about me. But she does. She didn't have to, but she does. She risks her life for me every day. If she's in trouble, I have to help her." She didn't know if they would come with her, but she set off towards the city anyway. She couldn't run very fast, but she could hide and if a walker came after her she had her pipe. All she had to do was nail them in the skull to kill them... well 're-kill' them. The gun shots seemed to be coming from the large church. If there were guns Lynn was likely in the middle of it. And if she wasn't, perhaps Jess could make some new friends. Friends were always good, especially if things got dangerous. And with Tyler back, things [i]would[/i] get dangerous... ----------- [b]Lynn - Church - Floyd[/b] Lynn ducked back down as a group of men came out of the church. She swore ripely under her breath. The leader was Brad. She knew that mother-f***ing bastard. He was Tyler's right hand. Tyler was sending his raiders out. But they had left the people behind. That was unusual. Usually the people they encountered were either killed or taken captive. Unless he had sent them out looking for a specific person. Like herself. Dammit she had escaped that nightmare and she was not going back. She was brought from her thoughts by walkers coming towards the church. She jumped up and over the car she had been using for cover and ran towards Floyd. "Incoming!" she shouted and started firing.