Foress first listened to Solya and smiled at the greeting. [B]"Thank you. I'll be sure to constantly pester you with questions."[/B] her smile only getting wider as she turned back to June who seemed extremely capable when it came to blowing others off. Foress merely let it all slide away. Her own personality has gotten her into constant conflict with fellow students, so this wasn't surprising. [B]"Inflated ego? Okay you got me there, but I always say I am not superior to anyone else. Anyone can be awesome! Even your ability to wait alone for someone to save you from the pain of speaking to me is impressive."[/B] She gave her a thumbs up, but before she could continue her Fairy started pulling on her ear so she could leave. Narciss was often quiet and didn't want to talk with people a lot. [B]"Stop it! Ugh why do you always have to force me to retreat!"[/B] [B]"Your annoying people. More importantly me, so lets go before another shiny object grabs your attention."[/B] The fairy deadpanned with no emotion at all. Of course when Zara flew over it was too late since she caught Foress's eye. [B]"Wow pretty! Who are you?"[/B]