I appear to be in the minority of people, when I looked at the comparisons between these games. But I'm finding Dead Cells to be far more engaging in its challenge than Hades is. Even if I've only just scratched the surface of both. Mainly because it feels like Hades' gameplay and subsequent deaths are inevitable in a way. Where as in Dead Cells, I always feel like I have an honest shot, in spite of the higher difficulty curve. But I'll certainly be playing more of both of them in good time. (Maybe that feeling will change, we'll see. I know Supergiant's Pyre got me to care about the characters over its gameplay.) Though what hasn't changed, is how little I want a new game console. Now that the highest praised release that I've seen was for [s]Horizon: Zero Originality. (This time with wings.)[/s] "Immortal Fenyx Rising" [s]is an unmemorable title that I had to look up.[/s] And that essentially boils down to "Yeah, it's an open world game alright." or "You know all those increasingly dull Asscreed games they've been spewing out ad-nauseum? This is better than those." But I digress. The other game that I've been playing as of late, which I'm much closer to completing, is "Hand Of Fate". Though let me tell you, that its unique gameplay premise, is far better on paper than how its actually executed. Because it's combat/maze sections (or more importantly, its camera during those parts) is frustratingly bad. Like something on the level of "if I had access to their unity engine, *I* could improve this." However, I don't tend to engage with things for long, if I completely dislike them. So I suppose I enjoy it enough for what its trying to be. (But maybe it's obvious for a roleplayer to enjoy storytelling.) Lastly, I recently/reluctantly traded my 2DS for all my roommate's Switch accessories, and a PS4 game that I'll likely be playing again with some friends this weekend. ("Dragon Crown Pro") Which is good, since nothing else of interest has cropped up as of late. Even if a part of me wants to buy Jank Souls. ("Hellpoint") because it's Co-Op. [s]And I want them to pay for the terrible movies that I had to watch last time.[/s]