Days prior, Shiranui had been participating in the Whirl Cup at Red Rock Isle and whenever his opponent also happened to be in the World Coronation, a Drone Rotom flew in to arbitrate a battle. He had made it to the final round and was up against a lady named Trinity—also a participant in the Coronation. The battle was a three-on-three per the rules of the Whirl Cup and both Shiranui and Trinity lost two Pokémon so far, each battle ending in a draw. "I hope you're ready for this one, Shiranui," Trinity said, "Gyarados, you're up!" "Same with you, Trinity," Shiranui rebutted, preparing a Net Ball, "It's time to really put the 'Sea' in 'Sea Hero'! Kaijin, I choose you!" Shiranui's Net Ball opened and the light from the ball went under the Whirl Cup Colosseum before coalescing into a large silhouette that soon started glowing. Cumulonimbus clouds soon filled the sky and torrential rain started to fall as Kaijin—the legendary Kyogre formerly known as Kaishin—surfaced for all the nearby people to see. "Say hello to the being that created all of this," Shiranui continued, gesturing to the ocean and Maya—the Sea Priestess of the Whirl Islands—was impressed. Trinity didn't let the newcomer get to her as she ordered her Gyarados to use Thunder. Gyarados charged its attack and lightning from Kaijin's heavy rain struck the Kyogre. Shiranui ordered a rebuttal Thunder and lightning from the same source struck Gyarados into a one-hit knockout. Shiranui may have won the battle, but he decided to give the title to Trinity as he already had the title, much to her surprise and gratitude. His rank rose to 2467 after all was said and done. When the day of Liam's exhibition match arrived, Shiranui exchanged his goodbyes with his parents and his father's Greninja, Mizukage, and with the help of Titania—his Gardevoir—teleported to the Goldenrod Airport with a party of three though only an Ultra Ball and a Great Ball were on his belt. "Hey Liam," Shiranui greeted.