Cs Name: Rika Gender: Male Age: 14 Species: Seraphim Faction: Nimbats Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qMFJ78s1/fWh7Na.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/637SY1bZ/d1lqcb8-c87af637-f562-4ffc-b9bf-d4878a5ae51e.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qRfXHbMy/26b18a4348f04dfde7bf64f6ab6e5e97.jpg[/img] Personality: Rika is nervous, he doesn't believes he has what it takes to be a Seraphim. He doesn't believe himself. He believes that he is the only Seraphim left alive, which makes him lonely. He is always trying to hide his secret, although, it is clear who he really is, for he bear the eye of the Demon Lucifer, and the eye of the Angel Ariel. He can go into a uncontrollable rage because of his demon side which he can never control. Bio: Rika was born from two very powerful parents, an angel and a demon. An act that was always forbidden had been committed and the reasons why it was forbidden showed in the early ages of Rika. His demon side was too powerful for him to control. Rika became afraid of his power and ran away at a young age. He wanted to learn how to control his powers as well as to control his demonic side. He found out soon after leaving that hiding his demon eye with bandages helped suppress the demon, making it weaker. All he had to do was stay calm forget the demon was there and ignore him but that was never as easy as it sounded. Power 1: Demonic Force Manipulation Power 2: Divine Force Manipulation Weapon: Other: ------ Cs Name: Salem Black Gender: Female Age: 35000 Species: Human Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/zvPZfgGV/Nightly-Spirit.jpg[/img] Personality: Salem is a cruel and manipulating woman. She loves to watch as people suffer and die. She toys with others before killing them but most often gets others to do her bidding for her. This does not mean she is weak though, not bar far. She is a cold and calculating person who will always side with logic as well as her personal goals. She is not ruled by emotions but instead her black heart. Power: Magic Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Pet Cs Pet Name: Sabozkin Pet Gender: Male Pet Age: Unknown Pet Species: Mutated Death Snake Pet Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/445qfV9n/BBDEC569-547-E-44-D6-8-CE8-D010331-DE0-A2.jpg[/img] Pet Power: Adaptive Evolution