[centre][h1]TURN 1 - Peeking Out to Find a Dead Land[/h1][/centre] [centre][hider=The Map][img]https://i.imgur.com/PgkA9ZG.png[/img][/hider][/centre] [h3][colour=sandybrown]The Town of New Jericho[/colour][/h3] [hider=What happened to you?] Mayor Kane’s reflections were sound: Despite the hardships of war, hunger and plague, the perseverance of humanity, which has sustained it ever since its inception at the caring and almighty hands of the Supreme Being, cannot be broken by something as fickle and inconsequential as the Apocalypse. The fate of 99% of the planet’s population may yet not be the fate of the Jerichians, and the mayor and his compatriots will do their best to ensure this. Of course, the mayor and everyone else in town know very well that avoiding this fate will take work - a lot of work. While the Jerichians were lucky enough to have saved machinery from the Age Before the Great Evil, few resources are as coveted as an intact fabricator. The Old Jerichians must’ve been gods of engineering, for this machine can turn worthless scrap into tools, parts and equipment. There is just one small problem - and it’s a big one: It would seem that no one remembers how this fabricator works - and no one wants to open it up either. What if something breaks? What will that mean for the town? For now, it is an invaluable asset to the continued existence of New Jericho, and it is in everyone’s interest that it remains as such for however long it can. Perhaps, if only someone in their town could be convinced to do it, they could send someone out into the wild to search for more technology like it, to learn? Or perhaps they could open a small, insignificant part of it in a desperate hope to understand this machinery? The question of the fabricator is not the only one on the mayor’s mind: Just last week, it happened. Oh yes - these reports have trickled in every few months for the past ten years, but since the sightings in these reports have been vague and ambiguous, the town has never felt the need to act upon them. However, this time, a fisherman came face-to-face with a creature so foul he could barely stomach the sight: A roach, only the size of a pig. Its face had been covered in a white foam, and it had approached the fisherman with slow, malicious steps, no doubt with the intent to eat him. After the fisherman had shared his tale, there followed more reports of sightings - roaches everywhere, hiding in plain sight all throughout the ruins. For now, they seem only observant - ominously so. This will be another challenge for the townsfolk to deal with. Perhaps the mayor will see to these matters immediately? Or perhaps there are more pressing concerns that must be dealt with first - the lack of food, the state of the militia, the morale of a people still harbouring trauma from the old plague? It truly is as the mayor thought: It is going to be a hell of a job, and New Jericho's people need to be quick in order to survive and hopefully thrive in the new world. [hider=Stats] [b]Population:[/b] 160 men; 140 women; 100 children (total of 400). [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to conscript up to 24% of adult male population. [b]Food level:[/b] Average. [b]Resources:[/b][list] [*]Industrial fabricator (can be used to increase success chance of improve food, improve infrastructure and improve military technology actions). [/list] [b]Wealth:[/b] Poor. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant [b]Growth:[/b] Decent. [b]Morale:[/b] 60%; impacted by memories of the fallen. [b]Foreign relations:[/b] Unknown roachfolk - [colour=gray]neutral[/colour]. [/hider] [hider=Actions] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [/hider] [/hider] [h3][colour=darkseagreen]The Ogshog Tribe[/colour][/h3] [hider=What happened to you?] Hail, Papa Zorg, (unfortunate) direct descendant of Big Papa Grorgnarf, Papa-in-Charge of Ogshog, the Ruined City. Your lumbering and god-awful people await your orders as you do your very best to delay your inevitable doom at the hands of the elements. The day as come, as Papa remarks, to construct great defensive works to keep out the bad things from the pits where ogrekind keep their fancy things (ogres love fancy things). Of course, one can always question the need for a wall in the middle of nowhere (one must truly congratulate Old Grorgnarf for picking a spot so woefully and hopeless abandoned as Ogshog to build a city, but here we are). With endless deserts on all sides surrounding a dead cityscape only ghosts inhabit, it makes perfect sense to build defensive works. I mean, why not, right? Or, well, if the Papa thinks of anything else, there was that one guy - wossisname, uh, Lurpfromp, that’s it! - who found this weird green place a stone toss away from Ogshog (about ten metres or so - throwing things isn’t easy for ogres). Could be worth investigating. Lastly, there are rumours that, about five hundred stone-tosses away, give or take, there’s an ancient, abandoned temple said to hold the remains, and perhaps living specimen, of ancient whoman livestock. This temple, according to the bumbling scouts, is known as a “zuu”. It may be something; it may be nothing. Better go check it out. I know the future may seem bleak, Papa, but know that when you’ve hit rock bottom (and then dug some more, like ogres tend to do), there comes a point where the universe itself just wants you to succeed at something for once. Whatever you choose to do, know that it will most likely, almost certainly, fail spectacularly. Still, there is a chance - one minimal and unobservable chance - that even your most hopeless efforts will yield unfathomable results. So do your best, Papa, and hope it’s abysmal enough for reality itself to fix it for you. [hider=Stats] [b]Population:[/b] 80 ogres; 100 ogrettes; 70 oglings (total of 250). [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to conscript up to 40% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Average. [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Poor. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] Low. [b]Morale:[/b] 80%. [b]Foreign relations:[/b] None. [/hider] [hider=Actions] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [/hider] [/hider] [h3][colour=gray]The Highwarren Ratkin[/colour][/h3] [hider=What happened to you?] Great Caretaker bless you and protect you, King Skretak, second of your name and son of the Bold. The founding of Castle Lesaden and the kingdom of Highwarren brought some much needed peace and hope for the people - it has been much too long since anything good happened to the Ratkin. Ever since the death of the Great Caretaker, morale has been at a terrible lowpoint, so it was about time something good happened. Still, such events are often short-lived, and so, great king, you must be quick to mobilise your people if Highwarren is to prosper. Your people have faced the wicked furfolk in battle before, but they are far from the only danger in this world. Castle Lesaden is an oasis in the desert, but a mere stone toss away lay the Miasmic Mires, an endless deathwaste that promises only demise. The realm must be prepared in case toxic evil decides to shamble into the kingdom. It may be advantageous to train knights, or perhaps to build defensive works to ward against a possible invasion. Against the wickedness that lurks beyond the kingdom’s borders, one can never be too prepared. Then there’s the question of the kingdom’s borders - where do they end? What do these ruins of Lesa have to offer Highwarren? It may perhaps be a good idea to explore them, see what there is to find? Surely the royal pack, the Den Dukes and Pack Barons would like rare artifacts and items to decorate themselves with as to separate themselves from the common folk? A king who wishes to rule for long must ensure the satisfaction of his vassals, after all. Or perhaps there are more pressing matters? Your recent arrival necessitates building food infrastructure like mushroom farms, and that food can only be effectively gathered with the proper logistics. Perhaps more effective ways can be researched? The choice is yours, great king - help your people prosper in the name of the Great Caretaker. [hider=Stats] [b]Population:[/b] 260 males; 220 females; 120 pups (total of 600). [b]Military:[/b] None. Militia able to conscript up to 40% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Average. [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Poor. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] Low. [b]Morale:[/b] 70%, impacted by recent events. [b]Foreign relations:[/b] None. [/hider] [hider=Actions] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [/hider] [/hider] [h3][colour=gold]The Voren Accord[/colour][/h3] [hider=What happened to you?] Dear citizens of the Province of Ra-Ubi, Gor-Thêb subprovince, [s]town[/s] village of Camp [s]Vorne[/s] Voren. The Gorillarch congratulates you on your diplomatic settlement of the recent disputes. As HIS fathers before HIM, the Gorillarch can appreciate a growing settlement fighting for its rightful place in the world. Under HIM, all may prosper, even your weak-minded, subape species. No doubt you recognise that the recent conflicts have left your lands unpopulated and unworked. The Gorillarch expects you to make use of this occasion to expand your foodstuffs output. According to recent reports to the capital, your population demographics demand primarily meat, which will necessitate livestock. The Gorillarch in HIS infinite wisdom encourages you to search for this post-haste. Furthermore, as you know, the tax collector will be making the rounds in Ra-Ubi province very soon. Your last payment to the Ministry was, and I quote, “borderline insufficient”, so it may be in your favour to prospect your lands, see if you can find anything of value. The Gorillarch is a generous liege, and all the world’s resources are needed to fuel HIS machine of patriotic warfare against the wicked tree-squealers of the North, so be not afraid that what you find is insufficient - just find something. Who knows, it may even favour your own backwater slum you call a home, as well. As an end note, of course, I specify again that HE is supreme in HIS wisdom and patience, and if you see the need to address other issues relating to your pitiful little village, then by all means. As long as you have the tax by the time the collector arrives, you will not be subjected to punishment. [b]All hail Gorillarch Ramses XVII the All-Pharaoh, the Sun-Ruling Silverback, Master of Land, Sea, Life and Death.[/b] Sincerely, Provincial Minister Scorpio of House Imhotep. [b]Turns until the arrival of the Tax Man: 4.[/b] [hider=Stats] [b]Population:[/b][list] [*]Carnivores: 70 males; 80 females; 50 children. [*]Omnivores: 60 males; 60 females; 40 children. [*]Herbivores: 14 males; 16 females; 10 children. [*]Total: 400. [/list] [b]Military:[/b] None. Militia able to conscript up to 40% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] High. [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Poor. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] High. [b]Morale:[/b] 100%; impacted by food level and recent events. [b]Foreign relations:[/b] None. [/hider] [hider=Actions] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [/hider] [/hider] [h3][colour=red]Merkopa Demokratische Republik[/colour][/h3] [hider=What happened to you?] Good day, comrade Wagner, and congratulations on ensuring your people’s survival all the way up to the 100th session of the Volkskammer. The nature, size and complexity of this institution has shifted innumerable times, but its spirit has not. Even as its members represent no more than the colony’s four hundred inhabitants, the legacy of the Party, which has been passed down from one Vorsitzender to the next, remains as strong and steadfast as ever. Good thing, too, because the one thing more dangerous than the Apocalypse is a divided populace in a post-Apocalypse. So let’s not allow it to come to that. The 100th session of the Volkskammer already forwarded some of the issues facing your people, Vorsitzender: The metro is a safe and stable environment, but it, too, suffers the slow sanding of time, and maintenance or the full replacement of infrastructure is key to ensuring continued existence underground. In a place where neither air nor liquids may diffuse freely across an open flat, gas and water leaks can become your worst enemies. Then there is the question of food. The tunnels provide safety, but offer little in terms of sustenance. The surface still has leftover storages from the pre- and mid-Apocalyptic times, and lucky scavengers may even find fresh produce growing on the many trees that have sprouted throughout the city. It may be in the colony’s interest to scout these resources and make efforts to manage them more sustainably in order to ensure permanent food sources for your people. The surface isn’t safe, of course. Merkopa is no longer home to just people, and your scavengers have felt this first-hand. Just a few weeks ago, the worst thing that could possibly happen, happened. A group of scavengers searching for foodstuffs in an old storage facility came across a corpse. Corpses aren’t an unusual sight in the ruins of Merkopa, of course, but this one had gruesome outgrowths sticking out from all parts of its body. A blue fungus seemed to have infected it, though the fungus itself seemed to be wilting, too. What to make of this, the scouts do not know, but old records from previous sessions of the Volkskammer decades ago speak of a terrible outbreak of a disease that infected several scavengers with a blue fungus that seemed to make them act like rabid animals that attempted to eat their compatriots. While that outbreak was contained, it did not come easily, and once again, the MDR must face this age-old enemy. There are many tasks ahead before the MDR can rise to its former glory, comrade - perhaps some are more important and pressing than those already mentioned - but through the efforts and cooperation of the Volkskammer, Merkopa will surely grow into the pearl of Lespia that it once was. [hider=Stats] [b]Population:[/b] 160 men; 140 women; 100 children (total of 400). [b]Military:[/b] No standing military. Militia able to conscript up to 40% of adult population. [b]Food level:[/b] Low, impacted by biome. [b]Resources:[/b] None. [b]Wealth:[/b] Poor. [b]Trade:[/b] Nonexistant. [b]Growth:[/b] Low, impacted by food level. [b]Morale:[/b] 60%. [b]Foreign relations:[/b] None. [/hider] [hider=Actions] [b]A) Improve food B) Improve military technology C) Improve infrastructure D) Improve culture E) Explore F) Improve resources/technology G) Prospect the land H) Expand military I) Take diplomatic action X) Other[/b] [/hider] [/hider]