I must disagree, it's not a crime without criminal intent. A fetus didn't choose to be formed inside of someone who didn't want them. It has no agency to choose its mother and what it does to it. So, it's not the fetus that's committing any crime other than simply existing. You're not really asking a women to go out of her way for the infant, you're simply asking her to not endanger someone else's life. Also, keep in mind that the current legal system does require parents to give up a certain amount of autonomy for their children. Child neglect is a crime, after all. On the topic of whether or not the unborn are people, defining them as 'parasites' is not entirely inaccurate if you use the term loosely enough (they are organisms that live inside another organism). However, dependency doesn't define life. Born infants are still dependent on their parent's for survival, but are still considered to be people. For that matter, a premature infant is nearly identical to an unborn fetus.