[table][row][cell][color=#318CE7]Koji Takuma[/color][/cell][cell][color=#318CE7][right]"Do you [i]really[/i] want to die?"[/right][/color][/cell][/row][row][cell][sup][color=#2E2C2C]_______________________________________________[/color][/sup] [img]https://i.imgur.com/onie8VB.jpg[/img][/cell] [cell] There they were... The kids didn't even seem to be bothering to reduce their noise level. Or... No. Just one of them. Multiple instances of the same steps were approaching from multiple directions. Koji didn't know exactly which of them it was, but he'd guessed it was Naruko with her known use of the Shadow Clone technique. And then some... thudding and clothes shuffling off to the side? Koji's eyebrow raised as he continued hurling the scattered projectiles in the general direction of where he was hearing. [color=#318CE7][i]'What are they doing over there? Weird time to be rolling around in the dirt.'[/i][/color] Soon both the steps and shuffling stopped, the forest going quiet. A final few clangs echoed as Koji stopped throwing his kunai, and a fog started settling in the trees. With a change of his stance, Koji pulled on a ring inside his sleeve, bringing up a wire that followed the back of his arms and lined them with loose kunai attached with small snapping buttons that looked cheap and easy to separate, along with a couple in each hand ready to be thrown. [color=#318CE7][i]'Time for them to start... Hidden in the Mist jutsu? That's a surprise.'[/i][/color] Something was different however as the mist settled in and got thicker. The smell was acrid, and the mist had a different consistency than what Koji had seen before. [color=#318CE7][i]'Not bad... I don't want to be in this for long if it changes.'[/i][/color] And then there was movement. Figures coming out of the mist towards him, and a triumphant battle cry from the girl in orange. As soon as they came out of the mist one of them caught a kunai right into her leg that had ricocheted upwards off the ground, dispersing her with a short [color=#FF9000]"Yeeep!!"[/color] Immediately Koji turned towards the other two intent on doing the same to them, but instead he stopped in place, stunned with his mouth slightly agape. [color=#FF9000]"Oooouuuu~ Koji-Sama~!"[/color] ................... Koji was a reasonably disciplined man. One who was very skilled at keeping his composure. And here it served him well... But he was not immune to the powerful technique being thrust upon him! For a brief moment the approaching women had his full attention, his guarded stance half dropping, and Gorudo's tongue met no resistance as it slung through the air to grab the scroll. The clones of Naruko got closer, and almost were able to get their hands on their target before he was able to snap out of it, and with a swift and hard kick, he slammed one into the other and dispersed them both. A small hint of red was under one nostril, but he was no longer slowed down. [color=#318CE7]"Now I know who's first..."[/color] In a blur of movement, Koji launched directly towards Gorudo just as he'd gotten the scroll. In nearly the same instant as Koji had appeared infront of the boy, two kunai were launched with one swing of his arm, sinking right into his previously-wounded shoulder and his opposite thigh. And yet, the movement didn't stop. A hand went to Gorudo's collar and grabbed with force, pulling him into a lock with Koji behind him brandishing a Kunai at his throat. [color=#318CE7]"And now you're captured... [b]You two stay back!!![/b] Or I'll kill him and you both next."[/color] He glared down at the boy, and gave him a final ultimatum. [color=#318CE7]"Escape this yourself. Prove you're worthy. Before I decide you're not and end it."[/color] The point of the blade pointed towards Gorudo's skin, so close to being able to cut him in an instant. [/cell][/row][/table]